Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Aponogeton | |
junceus | |
Food: | Aquatic leaves, flowers & tubers are edible. |
Ascolepis | |
capensis inkhokabovu, lubote, lubuti, lubuzi, sidzayi, umdzayana, umuzi, | |
Cultural: | Widows head dress |
Household: | Beer strainers & mats |
Aneilema lidzangamane, | |
aequinoctiale (Clinging Aneilma) idangamane, idwangubane, indvwangubane, | |
Fodder: | Fodder. Pig's food |
Food: | Edible leaves & tuberous roots. |
dregeanum | |
Fodder: | Fodder. Pig's food |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
hockii | |
Fodder: | Fodder. Pig's food |
Androcymbium | |
longipes | |
Medicinal: | Earache |
melanthioides subsp. transvaalense | |
Medicinal: | Earache |
striatum | |
Medicinal: | Earache |
Aloe emadzima, inhlaba, imfe yemacoco lemako, | |
affinis | |
Medicinal: | Snuff |
albida (Aloes) inhlatjana, | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
arborescens (Krantz Aloe) imbovane, incena, | |
Cultural: | Good luck |
Medicinal: | Leaf sap for burns, X-ray burns, wounds, bruises & skin abrasions. Leaves for high blood pressure &diabetes. |
barberae | |
Cultural: | Planted around homesteads for hut protection. |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
castanea | |
Insecticidal: | The ash left after burning leaves is used as weevil repellent. |
chabaudii var. chabaudii (Chabaud's Aloe) libhamali, | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache. Antibiotic |
chortolirioides (Aloes) inhlatjana, | |
Medicinal: | Snuff. |
var. chortolirioides | |
var. woolliana | |
cooperi (Cooper's Aloe) lisheleshele, lisheshelu, | |
Medicinal: | For easy birthing. |
Food: | Edible leaves |
subsp. cooperi | |
subsp. pulchra | |
cryptopoda | |
Dyes: | Dye for wool - reddish brown or purplish-red. |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache. Antibiotic |
dewetii | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
Food: | Edible |
dominella | |
dyeri (Aloes) lidzema, | |
ecklonis (Broad-leaved Grass Aloe) lisheshelu, | |
Food: | Edible leaves, fruit & other portions |
ecklonis (Ecklon's Aloe) lisheshelu, | |
Cultural: | Protective charm for girls. |
Medicinal: | Tuberculosis |
Food: | Edible leaves & flowers |
greatheadii var. davyana | |
Medicinal: | Leaf sap for urns & wounds. Antibiotic |
Food: | Vegetable |
integra (Aloes) lisheshelu, | |
Food: | Edible leaves & fruit |
kniphofioides (Grass Aloe) inhlatjana, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal snuff. |
linearifolia | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. |
maculata (Common Soap Aloe) emahala, lihala, | |
Cultural: | Dlamini does not eat but plants on grave |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for colds, wounds, & ringworm. |
Food: | Edible heart & leaves. |
marlothii (Mountain Aloe) mallotti, umhlaba, | |
Medicinal: | Leaves for snuff, stomach cramps & antibiotic. Roots & leaves for toothache & roundworm. |
subsp. marlothii | |
subsp. orientalis | |
minima (Pink Grass Aloe) inhlatjana, | |
Medicinal: | Antibiotic |
Food: | Edible shoots & flowers |
mudenensis | |
myriacantha | |
parvibracteata (Aloes) emahala, | |
Fodder: | Monkeys, rhino & antelope eat leaves & flowers |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
Food: | Edible parts |
pretoriensis | |
rupestris (Bottlebrush Aloe) inkalane, | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
spicata | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache. Enema for babies. |
suprafoliata | |
Medicinal: | Snuff & roots for toothache |
tenuior | |
Cultural: | Used for protective charms. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for tapeworms. |
vanbalenii (Van Balen's Aloe) lihala, | |
Cultural: | Dlamini does not eat but plants on grave |
Food: | Edible leaves & fruit |
zebrina | |
Medicinal: | Antibiotic |
Agapanthus hlakahla, | |
caulescens | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Emetic. |
subsp. angustifolius | |
subsp. caulescens | |
inapertus subsp. intermedius | |
Cultural: | Good luck charm. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Emetic. |
nutans | |
Medicinal: | Roots for chronic penile ulcer & vulva infections. |
Albuca | |
fastigiata (Spreading White Albuca) umaphipha-intelezi, | |
Cultural: | Used as protective charm. |
setosa (Small White Albuca) gibi'z'phoso, ingcina, mfazothethayo, | |
Cultural: | Ritual cleansing & to end quarrels. Lightning protection. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Asparagus | |
aethiopicus | |
Food: | Edible shoots |
angusticladus | |
Food: | Edible shoots |
asparagoides (Cape Smilax) ibutha, inkunzimbili, | |
Cultural: | Charm to increase fertility of cattle. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for sore eyes |
cooperi (Wild Asparagus) lubane, | |
Medicinal: | Kidney & stomach complaints & infections |
Food: | Edible shoots |
falcatus (Yellowwood Asparagus) imbelekazana, | |
Fodder: | Fruits & leaves eaten by monkeys, birds, & antelopes |
Medicinal: | Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic |
macowanii (Zulu Asparagus) silevu sembuti, | |
Cultural: | Traditional. Used for divination. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. |
plumosus | |
Food: | Edible shoots |
racemosus | |
Medicinal: | Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic |
ramosissimus (Cascade Asparagus) ibutha, | |
Cultural: | Protective charm against snakes. |
Medicinal: | Treatment of colic |
Food: | Edible roots |
setaceus (Wild Asparagus) mahlabane, silevu sembuti, umutsi wekubeleka, | |
Cultural: | Used in love charms. |
Medicinal: | Roots used for hypotonic labour. |
Food: | Edible shoots |
suaveolens | |
Medicinal: | Roots used medicinally |
Food: | Edible shoots. |
virgatus (Broom Asparagus) umshanveto, | |
Cultural: | Protective charms. |
Household: | Crafts |
Medicinal: | Syphilis & intestinal worms |
Apodolirion | |
buchananii (Natal Crocus) icukudwane, indwa, | |
Medicinal: | Stomach complaints |
Ammocharis | |
coranica (Ground Lily) icukudo, incukudwane, isidiya, umbhodiya, | |
Cultural: | To treat ailments caused by witchcraft |
Fodder: | Leaves browsed by stock. Bulb is poisonous. |
Household: | Bulb for paste to waterproof pots. Men's head rings. |
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