Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acridocarpus | |
natalitius (Moth-fruit) mabophe, mobophe, | |
Cultural: | Is reputed to ward off dangers & give protection. Also a love charm. |
var. linearifolius | |
var. natalitius | |
Andrachne | |
ovalis (False Lightning Bush) umbesa, umbeza, | |
Insecticidal: | Powdered roots an insecticide & snake repellent. Scalp parasites. |
Medicinal: | Powdered roots used for chest complaints & headaches.. |
Antidesma | |
venosum (Tasselberry Tree) bhekindoda, bhubhuludla, emabhubhuludla, hubulu, imhlalanyoni, imhlalanyoni, inhlalahubulu, umbhubhuludla, umhlalamahubhulu, umhlalanyoni, umshongi, | |
Firewood: | Branches used as firewood. |
Medicinal: | Root infusion used to bathe to relieve pain. Bark, leaves, fruit & roots used for stomach complaints. Roots used to treat barrenness. |
Food: | Edible fruit & leaves. Root is toxic. |
Androstachys | |
johnsonii (Lebombo Ironwood) bukhukhu, bukhunkhu, umsibitsi, umsimbitsi, | |
Timber: | Valuable, termite proof wood used for poles & construction timber. |
Cultural: | Traditional |
Firewood: | Fuelwood. Gives off smell of honey when burning. |
Medicinal: | Purgative |
Acalypha umsongo, | |
angustata | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
capensis | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
caperonioides | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
depressinerva | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
ecklonii | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
glabrata var. glabrata | |
Timber: | Posts & poles |
Household: | Baskets |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
Food: | Young twigs eaten like spinach. |
glandulifolia (Red Catkins) ungibonisele, usununundu, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea. Emetic to improve health. |
Food: | Roots eaten raw. |
hochstetteriana | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
indica | |
Medicinal: | Herb for diarrhoea, expectorant & diuretic |
var. bailloniana | |
var. indica | |
ornata | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
peduncularis | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
punctata | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
var. longifolia | |
var. punctata | |
var. rogersii | |
sonderiana | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
villicaulis (Brooms and Brushes) umphendulo, | |
Cultural: | Magic-medico to remove bad luck. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea. Used for wounds. |
wilmsii | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea |
Apodytes | |
dimidiata subsp. dimidiata (White Pear) umdzagane, umdzakane, | |
Timber: | Poles for construction. Timber was used for wagons. |
Household: | Wood for engraving, handicrafts, furniture & cattle yokes. |
Medicinal: | Root as enema for intestinal parasites. Leaf for ear inflammation. |
Food: | Boiled leaves can be eaten. |
Allophylus inhlangushane, | |
africanus var. africanus | |
Cultural: | Magico-medicinal uses. |
Food: | Edible fruit & leaves |
decipiens | |
Household: | Cabinets |
Atalaya | |
alata (Lebombo Wing-nut) inona, umnondo, | |
Abutilon | |
sonneratianum | |
Medicinal: | A stimulant for bulls. |
Aphloia | |
theiformis | |
Food: | Small, unpalatable but edible fruit. |
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