Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Passerina | |
filiformis subsp. filiformis (Brown Gonna) unwele oluncane, | |
Firewood: | Fuelwood. |
Household: | Very strong fibre from bark. |
Medicinal: | Early white settlers soaked leaves & used to bandage wounds. |
montana | |
Firewood: | Very flammable firewood. |
Psidium | |
guajava * (Guava) emagwava, ligwava, mguwa, mkguwa, mkhiwa, ugwava, umgwava, | |
Household: | Very hard wood used in Caribbean for spinning tops. |
Medicinal: | Leaves for fever, coughs, boils, diabetes & menorrhagia. Stem and bark for stomach ache. |
Food: | Edible fruits. Source of vitamin C. Source of infestation of fruit flies. |
Pimpinella | |
caffra | |
Food: | Leaves cooked and eaten. |
Peucedanum | |
caffrum (Wild Parsley) isingcina, nhlashane, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for darrhoea. |
capense var. capense | |
Food: | Edible leaves |
magalismontanum (Wild Carrot) sibhadze, | |
Food: | Edible leaves & shoots. |
upingtoniae | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Pastinaca | |
sativa * | |
Medicinal: | Root & fruit are diuretic & carminative. |
Food: | Edible root |
Plumbago | |
auriculata (Cape Leadwort) umasheleshele, umasweliisweli, umatshwilitshwili, | |
Cultural: | Protective charm and emetic to dispel bad dreams. |
Medicinal: | Root & leaf remedies for headaches, wounds & to remove warts. |
Food: | Edible flowers used as cake decorations and in salads. |
zeylanica | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Pachypodium | |
saundersii (Impala Lily) ligubaguba, nukankhulu wemanyeva, sisilasemphala, | |
Medicinal: | Bulb used for toothache |
Pachycarpus indzema, | |
appendiculatus (Soccerball Pachycarpus) lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
asperifolius (Large Red Milkwort) ishongwe elibomvu, ishongwe elincane, | |
Cultural: | Charm against evil |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for hysteria, stomach complasints, headaches |
campanulatus | |
Food: | Roots are a famine food for Zulus. |
var. campanulatus | |
var. sutherlandii | |
concolor (Astral Pachycarpus) lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
Food: | A vegetable but bitter |
decorus (Ghost Pachycarpus) lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
galpinii lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
scaber (Large White Pachycarpus) lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food. Protective charm against evil. |
stelliceps | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
transvaalensis lichogina, | |
Cultural: | For dogs that steal food |
Pentarrhinum | |
abyssinicum (African Heartvine) umdzandzabuka, | |
Food: | Edible leaves & fruit. Widely used food source in Southern Africa. |
subsp. abyssinicum | |
subsp. angolense | |
Pergularia | |
daemia var. daemia (Trellis Vine) umdzandzabuka, | |
Medicinal: | Roots for arthritis, asthma & venereal disease. Blood pressure. |
Food: | Edible leaves |
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