Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Phymaspermum | |
acerosum (Geelblombos) isibhaha-segceke, umhlonishwa, | |
Cultural: | Used as a charm to avert lightening. |
Pteridium | |
aquilinum (Bracken Fern) luhlindzafuku, | |
Medicinal: | Roots make teas for rickets, stomach cramps, diarrhea, worms & male sexual impotence.. |
Food: | Young fronds eaten in parts of the world (Japan) but only after substantial cooking. Otherwise they are poisonous. |
Pellaea | |
calomelanos var. calomelanos (Hard Fern) umphasatje, | |
Medicinal: | Wide medicinal use. Rhizome decoction used for sores & boils. |
Pleopeltis | |
macrocarpa (Scaly Lance-fern) gebeleweni, | |
Paspalum | |
dilatatum * | |
Soil Conservation: | Erosion control |
Fodder: | Pasture. Ergot infestation can be poisonous causing "tremors". |
distichum | |
Fodder: | Palatable for sheep in winter. |
notatum * | |
Soil Conservation: | Erosion control |
Fodder: | Pasture and fodder. |
scrobiculatum | |
Fodder: | Pasture but can be contaminated with poisonous ergot. |
Food: | Grain is edible and like millet. Subject to ergot infestation. |
urvillei * | |
Fodder: | Pasture and for hay. |
Household: | Old inflorescences used for whisk brooms. |
vaginatum | |
Soil Conservation: | Erosion control |
Fodder: | Potential pasture on saline soils |
Panicum lubabe, | |
aequinerve | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
coloratum var. coloratum | |
Fodder: | Fodder & palatable and drought resistant pasture. |
deustum | |
Fodder: | Fodder. Palatable & nutritious pasture |
Household: | Grass mats. |
dregeanum | |
Fodder: | Pasture. |
ecklonii | |
hymeniochilum | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
infestum | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
laticomum | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
maximum | |
Fodder: | Cattle fodder & grazing. Planted for hay and pasture. Sugar cane weed. |
Food: | Cereal food |
natalense | |
Fodder: | |
schinzii | |
Fodder: | Palatable pasture and good hay. |
subalbidum | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
Food: | Edible grain. |
Pennisetum | |
clandestinum * (Kikuya Grass) tjanibengadze, | |
Soil Conservation: | Erosion control |
Fodder: | Cultivated summer pasture. Can be troublesome weed. |
purpureum * | |
Fodder: | Cultivated pasture for grazing. |
Food: | Edible young leaves and shoots. |
thunbergii (Pearl Millet) bhabhala, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Food: | Edible grain. A commercial crop. |
Phragmites umhlanga, | |
australis (Common Reed) lishane, umklanga, | |
Timber: | Construction & screens. |
Cultural: | Umlanga dance |
Household: | Basketry. Making flutes - umntjingozi. In olden days whipsticks. |
Medicinal: | Stem liquid for expectorant & pain relief |
Food: | Edible rhizomes |
mauritianus | |
Cultural: | Umlanga dance |
Household: | Screens & thatch |
Pogonarthria | |
squarrosa | |
Fodder: | Fodder |
Pteleopsis | |
myrtifolia (Pteleopsis) umwandla, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. |
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