Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
Maytenus | |
acuminata var. acuminata (Silky Bark) umnama, | |
Household: | Handsome wood makes good sticks. |
Medicinal: | Bark used for stomach complaints. |
mossambicensis var. gurueensis (Red Forest Spike-thorn) umgungulutane, | |
Food: | Edible fruit |
peduncularis (Cape Blackwood) umboyi, | |
Cultural: | Sticks are wielded by dancers at Incwala ceremonies |
Household: | Wood used for fighting sticks & knobkerries & household utensils. |
undata (Koko Tree) sibiyabandla, umbatacwepe, umbatancwephe, | |
Cultural: | Branches used in traditional ceremonies. |
Firewood: | Fuel wood |
Household: | Wood used for spoons, tools & carving. |
Putterlickia | |
verrucosa (False Forest Spike-thorn) mhlatjwa, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal plant |
Catha | |
edulis (Bushman's Tea) mlomomnandzi, mlomomunandzi, umlomo-mnandzi, | |
Timber: | Wood for rafters and building poles. |
Household: | Household Items. Spoons & combs. |
Medicinal: | Leaves are widely used stimulant brewed or chewed. (khat). A truth drug - stimulates mental capacity. Can become addictive. Roots used for fertility enhancement. |
Food: | Leaf & twigs consumed fresh or made into tea. Nourishing stimulant. Excessive chewing of leaves can result in insanity. |
Pterocelastrus sehlulamanye, | |
echinatus (White Candlewood) incocodzi, lishasha, | |
Medicinal: | Heavily used medicinally in Transkei. Roots &bark are analgesic. |
rostratus (White Candlewood) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal bark used with other substances for spinal problems. |
tricuspidatus (White Candlewood) | |
Dyes: | Bark is rich in tannic acid. Was once used for tanning purposes. |
Firewood: | Fuelwood. Produces much heat. |
Medicinal: | Bark used medicinally. |
Cassine | |
peragua subsp. peragua (Cape Cherry) umboyi, umkhukhuze, | |
Household: | Wood for sticks & handles |
Food: | Edible fruit. Leaves may be toxic. |
Pleurostylia | |
capensis (Mountain Hard pear) umtfunyelelwa, | |
Household: | Wagon construction |
Gymnosporia | |
buxifolia (Common Spike-thorn) sibhubhu, sibhuku, sihlangu, sihlangulesimnyama, | |
Timber: | Timber. Hard strong useful wood. |
Cultural: | Magical properties. Good love charm. |
Firewood: | Firewood |
Household: | Tool handles & utensils |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for angina pectoris. Roots for stomach cramps. |
glaucophylla (Blue Spike Thorn) sihlangu, sihlangwe, sihlangwe simnyama, simnyama, umboyi, | |
Timber: | Timber |
Firewood: | Firewood |
Medicinal: | Snakebite cures. Roots given to pregnant women. |
heterophylla (Angular-stemmed Spike Thorn) sihlangu (white), sihlangulesimnyama, | |
Medicinal: | Bark used as snakebite cure. |
maranguensis (Angular-stemmed Spike Thorn) | |
Household: | Used for tool handles |
markwardii (Spike Thorn) sihlangu, | |
Medicinal: | Snakebite cures |
mossambicensis ingqwangame yehlathi, ingqwangane, | |
nemorosa (White Spotted Spike-thorn) mzubanacansi, sihlangu, | |
Medicinal: | Spines are medicinal. |
senegalensis (Red Spike Thorn) sibhubhu, sihlangu (black), sihlangulesimhlophe, | |
Timber: | Timber |
Firewood: | Firewood |
Medicinal: | Roots & bark - wide variety of ailments including mental illness. Leaves yield snakebite cure. Root chips in beer are an aphrodisiac. |
Mystroxylon | |
aethiopicum (Transvaal Kooboo-berry) ingulutane, lishasha, sehlulamanya, sehlulamanye, umboyi, umgungulutane, | |
Cultural: | Believed helpful in winning a law case. Branches for fighting sticks in Incwala. |
Household: | Crafts & household items. Xhosa fighting sticks & knobkeries. |
Medicinal: | Bark as emetic |
Food: | Sweet, edible fruit but sometimes sour. |
subsp. aethiopicum | |
subsp. burkeanum | |
subsp. schlechteri | |
Elaeodendron | |
croceum (Forest Saffron) ingultane, ingulutane, | |
Timber: | Wood is hard, tough & useful. |
Medicinal: | Bark is used as emetic. |
transvaalense (Transvaal Saffronwood) ingwavuma, | |
transvaalense (Transvaal Saffronwood) umgugudo, | |
transvaalense (Transvaal Saffronwood) ingulutane, mcabango, mgungulutane, mkimgulutane, ngcotfo, umcabango, | |
Dyes: | Bark used for tanning. |
Household: | Fighting sticks. Wielded by dancers at Incwala ceremonies. Wood used for cattle troughs, spoons, headrests & tobacco pipes. |
Medicinal: | Roots & bark for stomach pain, diarrhoea, rashes & as emetic. A tea made from it is a famous African medicine - ingwavuma. |
Food: | Edible fruit |
Robsonodendron | |
eucleiforme (White Silky Bark) sasatja, umbatancwephe, usasatja, usasatja, | |
Salacia | |
gerrardii (White Silky Bark) | |
Food: | Edible fruits |
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