Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
Ethulia | |
conyzoides subsp. conyzoides * (Blue Weed) umsokosoko, | |
Honey: | A honey plant. |
Medicinal: | Treats colic, intestinal parasites & madness. |
Vernonia linyatselo, | |
amygdalina (Blue Weed) | |
Medicinal: | Root bark a tonic & for bilharzia. Infertility in women. |
Food: | Edible but bitter leaves & pods. |
capensis (Blue Weed) | |
Food: | Leaves used for tea. |
colorata subsp. colorata (Bitter Leaf) lihlunguhlungu, luhlunguhlungu, | |
Cultural: | Treating hunting dogs |
Medicinal: | Roots & leaves used as a tonic to treat fevers & coughs & boils. Roots & bark as stomach purger. |
Food: | Edible leaves. |
crataegifolia hlunguhlungu, lihlunguhlungu, luhlunguhlungu, uhlunguhlungu, | |
Medicinal: | Treats colds, stomach ache, hysteria, & epilepsy. Also roots for diarrhoea in children. |
fastigiata | |
Food: | Young leaves used by Pedi. |
glabra | |
Cultural: | Treating hunting dogs |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diabetes |
var. glabra | |
var. laxa | |
hirsuta (Quilted-leaved Vernonia) ijungitheka, ikhambi lenyongo, uhlunguhlungwana lwentaba, umhlazawentaba, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for colic, sore throats, coughs, & headaches |
mespilifolia (Quilted-leaved Vernonia) | |
Food: | Plant reported as edible in Transkei. |
myriantha (Poison Tree Vernonia) lihwabahwaba, | |
Cultural: | Hunting dog treatment |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for the mentally afflicted. |
natalensis (Poison Tree Vernonia) | |
Medicinal: | Powdered bark for coughs, malaria & fevers. Smoke for headaches. |
oligocephala (Bicoloured-leaved Vernonia) ihlambihloshane, uhlunguhloshana, | |
Cultural: | Used to drive away hailstorms |
Medicinal: | Leaves& twigs for diabetes, rheumatism & malaise |
Food: | Leaves used as a tea by Zulus. |
poskeana subsp. botswanica (Bicoloured-leaved Vernonia) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
tigna (Mountain Vernonia) lihlunguhlungu, luhlunguhlungu, | |
Cultural: | Hunting dog treatment |
Medicinal: | Mixtures for menstrual irregularities & as abortifacient. Anthelmintic. Leaves & roots treat athritis & to improve male erections. |
Ageratum | |
conyzoides * (Floss Flower) mafodlwane, | |
Medicinal: | Antiseptic for wounds, respiratory tract disorders & worms. Toxic. |
houstonianum * (Floss Flower) | |
Medicinal: | May be toxic. |
Chromolaena | |
odorata * (Triffid) sandanezwe, wandile, wandzile, | |
Firewood: | Reported in countryside to be a useful fuel. Very invasive. |
Mikania | |
natalensis (Mikania) ihlozi, ikhambi-lesiduli, umdlonzo, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for urinary complaints, headache, backache & colds. |
Aster | |
bakerianus (Michaelmas Daisy) dlutshana, ndlutjana, | |
Cultural: | Protective charm. |
Medicinal: | Roots for headaches, & eye infections. An emetic & purgative. |
harveyanus (Michaelmas Daisy) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Felicia | |
muricata subsp. muricata (Michaelmas Daisy) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for headaches. |
Nidorella | |
auriculata inhlanga, | |
Conyza | |
bonariensis * | |
Food: | Flower heads eaten in Lesotho. |
canadensis * | |
Insecticidal: | Insect repellent. |
Medicinal: | Herb. Astringent, diuretic, diarrhoea,colds. |
Food: | Ground leaves used to flavor porridge. |
scabrida | |
Medicinal: | Early white settlers soaked leaves & used to bandage wounds. |
ulmifolia umacakaza, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for coughs. |
Brachylaena | |
discolor (Coast Silver Oak) mhlume, umhlume, umphahla, umphahlo, | |
Timber: | Construction timber. Hut building. |
Honey: | Bees that use this tree produce good honey. |
Cultural: | Must be incorporated into building of traditional home. |
Firewood: | Fuel wood |
Household: | Spears & for carving purposes. |
ilicifolia (Small Bitter Leaf) umphahla, | |
Cultural: | Must be incorporated into building of traditional home. |
Household: | Spears & for carving purposes. |
Medicinal: | Bitter leaves used for diabetes. |
Tarchonanthus | |
camphoratus (Wild Camphor Bush) ligcebe lelimhlophe, | |
Timber: | Durable termite resistant fence posts & for construction.. |
Fodder: | Foliage browsed by stock & game. |
Firewood: | Fuelwood. Will even burn when green. |
Household: | Leaves used as perfume. Wood for musical instruments & cabinets. |
Medicinal: | Dried leaves narcotic, sedative for headaches. Leaf poultice for asthma. |
Food: | Spice |
trilobus var. galpinii (Camphor Tree) ligcebelematje, phahla, sinukani, umbebase, umncweba, | |
Medicinal: | Wood used for construction including the King's kraal. |
Medicinal: | Wood & leaves for essential oils. Circulatory & respiratory stimulant. Roots & bark for libido & vomiting, |
Blumea | |
dregeanoides (Camphor Tree) | |
Honey: | Honey Plant. |
Pluchea | |
dioscoridis (Vimba) nukani, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Denekia | |
capensis (Vimba) | |
Household: | Making hats. Aromatic |
Pseudognaphalium | |
luteo-album (Jersey Cudweed) umgilane, | |
Household: | Used as room fumigant |
Food: | Fresh leaves used as relish. Invasive |
Helichrysum | |
acutatum (Sticky Everlasting) uzangume, | |
Cultural: | Prevents lightning striking homestead. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Emetic to stop pains in body |
adenocarpum subsp. adenocarpum (Pink Everlasting) uhlambahloshane obomvu, | |
aureonitens (Golden Everlasting) impepho-emhlophe, indondokazane, inkondiwane, | |
Cultural: | Used to invoke goodwill of ancestorsand by diviners to induce trance. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
caespititium (Golden Everlasting) | |
Medicinal: | To treat colds & nausea. |
candolleanum maphipha, | |
cooperi (Yellow Everlasting) umadotsheni, | |
Cultural: | Used as love charm |
decorum impepho, | |
kraussii (Straw Everlasting) isipheshane, isiqoqo, | |
Medicinal: | Aromatic & pesticidal |
lepidissimum emakha, | |
Household: | Perfume. |
mundtii | |
Medicinal: | Chest complaints |
nudifolium (Hottentot's Tea) imphepho, ludvutfane, lulwini levenkhomo idunye, luphephetse, lute emanyava, sontfo lute emanyeva, | |
Cultural: | Burnt to invoke goodwill of ancestors and to deter ghosts. |
Medicinal: | Poultice for chest, head, fevers & burns. Roots for otitis. |
Food: | Herbal teas. Leaves also eaten. |
var. nudifolium | |
var. oxyphyllum | |
var. pilosellum | |
odoratissimum (Everlasting) imphepho, | |
Cultural: | Ritual incense to invoke goodwill of ancestors |
Medicinal: | Aromatic sedative for insomnia. Burnt as fumigant. Treats colds. |
panduratum (Everlasting) | |
Food: | Herbal teas |
var. panduratum | |
var. transvaalense | |
rugulosum (Everlasting Plant) impepho, imphepho, | |
Cultural: | Ingredient in protective charm. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Fumigate huts after illness |
splendidum (Cape Gold) impepho, imphepho, umgobandvodza, | |
Firewood: | Used for fuel in mountains. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for colds, rheumatism & anal prolapse. |
stenopterum impepho, imphepho, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Athrixia luphephetse, | |
elata (Daisy Tea) umnondvo, | |
Food: | Tea making. Edible portions |
phylicoides (Zulu Tea) sephomolo, | |
Household: | Brooms |
Medicinal: | Used to treat coughs, sores & boils. |
Food: | Tea making |
Geigeria | |
burkei (Zulu Tea) | |
Medicinal: | Bulb for infectious dermatitis. Poisonous for stock. |
subsp. burkei var. burkei | |
subsp. burkei var. elata | |
subsp. valida | |
Callilepis | |
laureola (Ox-eye Daisy) mila, | |
Cultural: | Protective charm. |
Medicinal: | Roots for burns & as a tonic. Also for tapeworms. Poisonous. |
leptophylla (Ox-eye Daisy) imphila, imphilane, impila, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Acanthospermum sanama, dilizumgcabho, | |
glabratum * (Ox-eye Daisy) | |
Medicinal: | Leaves, seeds & stem medicinal |
hispidum * umgcabo, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Ambrosia | |
artemisiifolia * | |
Medicinal: | Major cause of hayfever |
Xanthium | |
spinosum * (Cockleburs) iligcume, | |
Medicinal: | Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock. |
strumarium * (Cockleburs) | |
Medicinal: | Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock. |
Eclipta | |
prostrata * (Eclipta) ungcolosi, | |
Cultural: | An annual weed used for love charms and sorcery. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for skin infections & hepatitis. |
Tithonia | |
diversifolia * (Mexican Sunflower) umbabane, | |
Melanthera | |
scandens subsp. dregei * ikhaphanyongo, isihiyapice, ulimi-lwenkomo, | |
Spilanthes | |
mauritiana imfe yemacoco lenabako, | |
Honey: | Attracts bees. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for gums and sore throat |
Bidens chuchuza, | |
bipinnata * | |
Food: | Edible leaves & shoots. High food value but astringent taste. |
biternata * | |
Food: | Edible leaves & shoots |
pilosa * (Black-Jack) cadvolo, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for rheumatism, diarrhoea & ear ailments. |
Food: | Edible leaves |
Tridax | |
procumbens * (Black-Jack) | |
Soil Conservation: | Used in gardens as soil binder and ground cover. |
Galinsoga | |
ciliata * (Peruvian daisy) mabuyejazi, | |
Food: | Food crop |
parviflora * (Potato weed) mabuyejazi, | |
Food: | Food crop |
Schkuhria | |
pinnata * (Potato weed) | |
Food: | Listed as edible in Transkei. A problem weed in R.S.A. |
Tagetes | |
minuta * (Tall Khaki Bush) nukani, | |
Dyes: | Dye |
Insecticidal: | Insecticide for weevils & a nematode deterrent. |
Household: | Aromatic for perfumes. Leaf extract used in perfume industry. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for nematode Infections. |
Phymaspermum | |
acerosum (Geelblombos) isibhaha-segceke, umhlonishwa, | |
Cultural: | Used as a charm to avert lightening. |
Cotula | |
anthemoides (Geelblombos) | |
Food: | Eaten as a herb in Transkei. |
Artemisia | |
afra (African Wormwood) mhlonyane, umhlonyane, | |
Medicinal: | Stems & leaves for digestive problems, diabetes, intestinal worms, colds, influenza, asthma, headache and recently possibly malaria. |
Lopholaena | |
platyphylla (Large-leaved Fluff Bush) livenge, | |
Crassocephalum | |
crepidioides (Large-leaved Fluff Bush) | |
Food: | Edible leaves. |
Senecio | |
albanensis (Large-leaved Fluff Bush) | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
var. albanensis | |
var. doroniciflorus | |
barbertonicus (Large-leaved Fluff Bush) | |
Honey: | Attracts bees. |
Fodder: | Browsed by game |
bupleuroides (Yellow Starwort) indabula-luvalo, insangansanga yentaba, isiqandamatshana, unsonkonsoko, | |
Medicinal: | Chest & heart complaints & for easy childbirth |
coronatus (Woolly Grassland Senecio) izonkozonko, ubulibazi, | |
Medicinal: | Poultices, purgatives & stomach ache |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
decurrens isikhathazo esimhlophe, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal emetic. |
deltoideus | |
Timber: | Good bee plant. |
Soil Conservation: | Sand & soil stabiliser. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for sore eyes. |
discodregeanus | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for chest colds & madness |
erubescens | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
var. crepidifolius | |
var. erubescens | |
inaequidens | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. Declared a noxious weed in R.S.A. |
inornatus inkanga, uhlabo, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for palpitations & phthisis |
latifolius (Molteno-disease Plant) idwakala, ingcobangcoba, uhlambahlanyana, uqedizwe, | |
Medicinal: | Causes diseases in livestock. |
oxyriifolius (False Nasturtium) idumbe, idumbe lasendhle, ihlula, | |
Cultural: | To prevent sorcery |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
pleistocephalus liphungula lengati, mnunkhu, suluzabafoti, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
polyanthemoides | |
Honey: | Visited by bees. |
polyodon var. polyodon ihubo, | |
pterophorus | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
purpureus | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
quinquelobus | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
retrorsus | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal and also poisonous. |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
rhyncholaenus (Groundsel) imfenyane, | |
Insecticidal: | Repels stalk-borer. |
Household: | Married women's hair style (isicholo) |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for colds, colic,sore hands & feet. |
serratuloides var. serratuloides (Two-day Cure) ichazampukane, insukumbili, umaphozisa umkhuthelo, | |
Medicinal: | Infected sores & burns |
speciosus (Beautiful Senecio) libohlololo, | |
Medicinal: | Treats chest complaints, dropsy & headaches. |
tamoides (Canary Creeper) ihlozi elikhulu, uqobaqoba, | |
Medicinal: | Treats flatulence. Traditionally also for anthrax in cattle |
venosus imfenyane, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Food: | Dry leaves and stems used for a beverage. May be toxic. |
viminalis (Leafless Climbing Senecio) umhlambamasi, uqobaqoba, | |
Kleinia | |
fulgens (Leafless Climbing Senecio) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Othonna | |
natalensis incamu, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal` for nausea & tapeworms |
Food: | Salad vegetable. |
Osteospermum | |
grandidentatum (Yellow Trailing Daisy) umadinsane, uqoboquba, | |
Medicinal: | A strong emetic. |
Chrysanthemoides | |
monilifera (Bush-tick Berry) itholonja, umtholombe, | |
Medicinal: | Leaf infusions for fevers. Fruit juice for impotence & to purify blood. |
Food: | Edible berries. Sweet & palatable. |
subsp. canescens | |
subsp. septentrionalis | |
Ursinia | |
tenuiloba umuthi wezifuba, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for coughs |
Haplocarpha | |
scaposa | |
Cultural: | Used by sangomas when consulting bones |
Medicinal: | Medicinal crushed leaves for women during menstruation. |
Gazania | |
krebsiana subsp. serrulata (Common Gazania) impephotshani, isiphephane, | |
Honey: | Bees visit Gazanias |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for sick babies, earache & sterility |
Food: | Edible flowers |
Berkheya likhakhasi, ikhakhasi, | |
echinacea subsp. echinacea iphungula, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
montana | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for bruises |
rhapontica | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for dry coughs. |
subsp. platyptera | |
subsp. rhapontica | |
setifera (Buffalo-tongue Berkheya) lulwimi lwenkhomo, mavambuka, ulimi-lwenkomo, | |
Cultural: | Repels evil spirits |
Household: | Leaves used as hairbrush. |
Medicinal: | Roots for stomach complaints |
Food: | Young leaves used as spinach. |
speciosa subsp. lanceolata (Buffalo-tongue Berkheya) | |
Medicinal: | Abdominal disorders, bilharzia & sore eyes |
zeyheri (Buffalo-tongue Berkheya) | |
Firewood: | Firewood. |
Household: | Furniture and handicrafts. |
Medicinal: | Bark medicinal for baby's navel, for diarrhoea & as a diuretic. |
Food: | Edible fruit. |
subsp. rehmannii var. rehmannii | |
subsp. rehmannii var. rogersiana | |
subsp. zeyheri | |
Dicoma | |
anomala imbenukela, inkosiyewithi, inyongana, mahlabane, mangwe amancane, | |
Cultural: | Roots are used to make good luck charms. |
Medicinal: | Roots for fever, sore throats, diarhoea, dysentary & abdominal pains. |
Food: | Leaves used for tea. |
subsp. anomala | |
subsp. gerrardii | |
capensis | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
tomentosa (Doll's Protea) somaheva, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Gerbera sanama, | |
ambigua (Pink & White Gerbera) mabophe, | |
Medicinal: | Tapeworms & coughs |
galpinii mabophe, | |
jamesonii | |
natalensis | |
piloselloides (Small Yellow Gerbera) mabophe, umoyawezwe, | |
Cultural: | Helps a fortune teller get their way very fast. |
Medicinal: | Tapeworms, earache, headaches, & coughs. |
viridifolia (Small Yellow Gerbera) | |
Tolpis | |
capensis (Small Yellow Gerbera) | |
Food: | Eaten as spinach in Lesotho. |
Taraxacum | |
officinale * (Dandelion) umashwababa, | |
Medicinal: | Leaves & root a bitter tonic for skin disorders. Diuretic & detoxicant. |
Food: | Edible leaves & flowers for wine. Roots for coffee substitute. |
Sonchus ingabe, | |
asper subsp. asper * (Dandelion) | |
Medicinal: | Salves for hemorrhoids, ulcers & skin irritations. |
Food: | Leaves eaten as salad. Roots said to be good for bread making. |
integrifolius var. integrifolius (Dandelion) | |
Food: | Young fresh leaves eaten raw or boiled. |
nanus (Dandelion) | |
Food: | Young leaves used as vegetable |
oleraceus * (Thistle) idwingabane, indvwangabane, | |
Medicinal: | Dried sap has been used to treat opium addiction |
Food: | Edible leaves & stem & flower. Eaten since ancient times. |
Lactuca | |
inermis (Wild lettuce) ingabe, lihabe, | |
Food: | Edible leaves, stem & flower |
Pechuel-loeschea | |
leubnitziae (Wild lettuce) | |
Insecticidal: | Aromatic & pesticidal. |
Hypochaeris | |
radicata * (Wild lettuce) | |
Food: | Used as a spinach |
Aspilia | |
natalensis (Wild Creeping Sunflower) umphamephuce, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal with potent antibiotic, fungicidal & vermicidal properties |
Dimorphotheca | |
jucunda (Trailing Mauve Daisy) umasigcolo-nkonekazi, | |
Medicinal: | Leaf & root remedies for stomach. |
Cyanthillium | |
cinereum var. cinereum * (Trailing Mauve Daisy) | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Baccharoides | |
adoensis var. kotschyana imphepho, lincani, linyatsela, linyatselo, mphepho, | |
Cultural: | Treating hunting dogs |
Medicinal: | For stomach, chest, skin, head lice & diabetes. Roots are purgative. |
Distephanus | |
anisochaetoides ikhambi-lesimungumungwane, | |
Macledium | |
zeyheri subsp. zeyheri (Toy Sugarbush) mahlabane, somaheva, umtjwatjophinda, | |
Medicinal: | Treats chest ailments & a strengthening tonic. Roots to ease pains. Root is used to treat abortion. |
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