Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
Cardiospermum | |
corindum | |
Medicinal: | Sedative properties. |
grandiflorum (Balloon Vine) uzipho, | |
Cultural: | Wreaths worn by widows at funerals by Asante |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Sedative properties |
halicacabum * (Balloon Vine) likhambilemamba, | |
Food: | Leaves used as spinach. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal for diarrhoea, catarrh & body sores. Sedative properties. |
Allophylus inhlangushane, | |
africanus var. africanus (Balloon Vine) | |
Cultural: | Magico-medicinal uses. |
Food: | Edible fruit & leaves |
decipiens (Balloon Vine) | |
Household: | Cabinets |
Atalaya | |
alata (Lebombo Wing-nut) inona, umnondo, | |
Deinbollia | |
oblongifolia (Dune Soapberry) igololenkawu, intisamasimu, iphengulula, iqinisamasimu, maqinisa, umuthiwezi-thutha, | |
Household: | Seeds used for making soap. |
Medicinal: | Root preparation used for stomach problems. Bark for headaches. |
Food: | Leaves can be eaten as spinach. Fruit may be a famine food. |
Pappea | |
capensis (Jacket Plum) lilatsa, umkhunu, | |
Timber: | Hard, tough useful wood. |
Cultural: | Roots used by sangomas as good luck charm to increase business. |
Fodder: | Leaves valuable for browsing by stock or game. |
Firewood: | Firewood |
Household: | Seeds yield a heavy oil. Used for soap and lubrication. |
Medicinal: | Seeds, leaves, roots & bark for baldness & venereal disease. |
Food: | Edible fruit. Can be used for jelly, alcoholic beverage & vinegar. |
Dodonaea | |
viscosa (Common Sand Olive) iheji, liheji, | |
Timber: | Fencing |
Soil Conservation: | Sometimes used to consolidate sand and reclaim marshes |
Medicinal: | Root infusion for common cold. Leaf decoction for rheumatism. |
Food: | Seeds are edible. |
Hippobromus | |
pauciflorus (False Horsewood) luphephetse, lutwile, siphahluka, | |
Cultural: | Root regarded as love-charm. |
Household: | Walking sticks. |
Medicinal: | Leaves for headaches and eyes, poisonous roots for dysentery. |
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