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(Updated by Bob Forrester, December 2005)

Malolotja Nature Reserve, with its fascinating geology, is home to a number of old mines. Anyone interested in the history of Swaziland should visit them. Gold is concentrated in the rocks of the Swaziland Supergroup in a belt extending along the north western border of Swaziland from Ngwenya to Horo. It is an area of complex geology with extensive folding, overfolding and shearing. Within the reserve the gold mines are found on the south eastern border, at Forbes Reef and at the top of the Malolotja valley.

Gold Mines

Iron Mines

Tin Mining

There is slight evidence that some tin mining has taken place in the reserve. Two miles west the Forbes Main reef and one mile west of the gold deposits, two areas of casserite have been found. A small amount of trenching and investigation has been carried out although no records of them can be found. Local people living in the area also speak of the old tin mines.

Site Map
Reference Material
SNTC Headquarters: Parliament Road. P O Box 100, Lobamba, Swaziland. Tel: (+268) 2416 1516, 2416 1489, 2416 1179. Fax: (+268) 2416 1875, 2416 1480. Email: info@sntc.org.sz
National Museum:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1875
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: curator@sntc.org.sz
King Sobhuza II Memorial Park:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1489
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: ksmp@sntc.org.sz
Malolotja Nature Reserve:
Tel/Fax: (+268) 2444 3241
Cell: 7660 6755
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Mantenga Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1151
2416 1178, Fax: 2416 1480
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Magadzavane Lodge
Mlawula Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2343 5108/9
Fax: 2343 5111
Email: magadzavane@sntc.org.sz