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Mantenga Nature Reserve - Reptiles Checklist

Gekkonidae (Geckos)

   Afroedura major  Onderstall, 1984
   (Swazi Flat Gecko)
   Swaziland Red Data Status: Near Threatened
   Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
   International Red Data Status: Near Threatened (B1a+2a) 2017 IUCN Red List
      Rocky ridges and slopes
      Cliff faces

   Pachydactylus maculatus  Gray, 1845
   (Spotted Gecko)
   International Red Data Status: Least Concern 2018 IUCN Red List
      Open grassland
      Rocky ridges and slopes
      Valley bushveld

Varanidae (Monitor lizards)

   Varanus niloticus  (Linnaeus, 1762)
   (Water Monitor)
   (SiSwati: Quamu)
      Larger rivers

Scincidae (Skinks)

   Afroablepharus wahlbergii  (Smith, 1849)
   (Wahlberg's Snake-eyed Skink)
      Open grassland
      Rocky ridges and slopes
      Valley bushveld

   Acontias plumbeus  Bianconi, 1849
   (Giant Legless Skink)
   International Red Data Status: Least Concern 2010 IUCN Red List
      Open grassland
      Rocky ridges and slopes

Typhlopidae (Blind snakes)

   Afrotyphlops bibronii  (Smith, 1846)
   (Bibron's Blind Snake)
   International Red Data Status: Least Concern 2018 IUCN Red List
      Open grassland
      Rocky ridges and slopes

Leptotyphlopidae (Worm snakes)

   Leptotyphlops scutifrons scutifrons (Peters, 1854)
   (Peters' Thread Snake)

Boidae (Pythons and boas)

   Python natalensis  Smith, 1840
   (Southern African Python)
   (SiSwati: inhlatfu)
   Swaziland Red Data Status: Vulnerable
   Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
   International Red Data Status: Not listed
      Riverine forest
      Valley bushveld

Colubridae (Typical snakes)

   Boaedon fuliginosus  (Boie, 1827)
   (Brown House Snake)
   (SiSwati: umdlume)
      Rocky ridges and slopes
      Valley bushveld

   Lycophidion capense capense (Smith, 1831)
   (Cape Wolf Snake)
      Rocky ridges and slopes
      Valley bushveld

Atractaspididae (Burrowing snakes)

   Aparallactus capensis  (Smith, 1849)
   (Black-headed Centipede-eater)
   International Red Data Status: Least Concern 2011 IUCN Red List
      Open grassland
      Rocky ridges and slopes

Site Map
Reference Material

Mantenga Amphibians
Malolotja Reptiles Checklist
Mlawula Reptiles Checklist
Swaziland Reptiles
Reptiles Database
SNTC Headquarters: Parliament Road. P O Box 100, Lobamba, Swaziland. Tel: (+268) 2416 1516, 2416 1489, 2416 1179. Fax: (+268) 2416 1875, 2416 1480. Email: info@sntc.org.sz
National Museum:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1875
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: curator@sntc.org.sz
King Sobhuza II Memorial Park:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1489
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: ksmp@sntc.org.sz
Malolotja Nature Reserve:
Tel/Fax: (+268) 2444 3241
Cell: 7660 6755
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Mantenga Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1151
2416 1178, Fax: 2416 1480
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Magadzavane Lodge
Mlawula Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2343 5108/9
Fax: 2343 5111
Email: magadzavane@sntc.org.sz