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Mlawula Nature Reserve - Fauna - Butterflies

(Information from reserve checklist compiled by Chuck Saunders.)

Numbers quoted are from Pennington's Butterflies. Nomenclature updated in July 2008, information provided by Mark Williams.

Photos to illustrate the checklist provided by Christopher K. Willis, I.C. and A. Sharp, Justin Bode, Peter Webb and Kate Braun.

Search for butterflies
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(not identified)

(0 species)
Papilionidae  Papilioninae

Swallowtails (5 species)
Papilionidae  Papilioninae

Swallowtails (4 species)
Hesperiidae  Coeliadinae

Skippers (5 species)
Hesperiidae  Pyrginae

Skippers (6 species)
Hesperiidae  Pyrginae

Skippers (3 species)
Hesperiidae  Pyrginae

Skippers (6 species)
Hesperiidae  Heteropterinae

Skippers (0 species)
Hesperiidae  Hesperiinae

Skippers (7 species)
Hesperiidae  Hesperiinae

Skippers (11 species)
Nymphalidae  Danainae

Milkweed butterflies (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Danainae

Milkweed butterflies (4 species)
Nymphalidae  Libytheinae

Snout butterflies (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Satyrinae

Browns (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Satyrinae

Browns (0 species)
Nymphalidae  Satyrinae

Browns (4 species)
Nymphalidae  Satyrinae

Browns (5 species)
Nymphalidae  Charaxinae

Charaxes (10 species)
Nymphalidae  Nymphalinae

Nymphs and commodores (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Nymphalinae

Nymphs and commodores (0 species)
Nymphalidae  Nymphalinae

Nymphs and commodores (9 species)
Nymphalidae  Biblidinae

Nymphs and commodores (3 species)
Nymphalidae  Biblidinae

Nymphs and commodores (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Heliconiinae

Acraeas (8 species)
Nymphalidae  Heliconiinae

Acraeas (4 species)
Nymphalidae  Heliconiinae

Nymphs and commodores (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Heliconiinae

Acraeas (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Limenitidinae

Nymphs and commodores (2 species)
Nymphalidae  Limenitidinae

Nymphs and commodores (0 species)
Nymphalidae  Limenitidinae

Nymphs and commodores (1 species)
Nymphalidae  Limenitidinae

Nymphs and commodores (1 species)
Pieridae  Coliadinae

Whites (3 species)
Pieridae  Pierinae

Whites (1 species)
Pieridae  Pierinae

Whites (1 species)
Pieridae  Pierinae

Whites (15 species)
Pieridae  Pierinae

Whites (0 species)
Pieridae  Pierinae

Whites (5 species)
Lycaenidae  Poritiinae

Blues and coppers (2 species)
Lycaenidae  Poritiinae

Blues and coppers (1 species)
Lycaenidae  Miletinae

Blues and coppers (0 species)
Lycaenidae  Aphnaeinae

Blues and coppers (6 species)
Lycaenidae  Polyommatinae

Blues and coppers (3 species)
Lycaenidae  Polyommatinae

Blues and coppers (1 species)
Lycaenidae  Polyommatinae

Blues and coppers (26 species)
Lycaenidae  Theclinae

Blues and coppers (0 species)
Lycaenidae  Theclinae

Blues and coppers (3 species)
Lycaenidae  Theclinae

Blues and coppers (4 species)
Lycaenidae  Theclinae

Blues and coppers (2 species)
(178 species recorded or possibly found in Malolotja.)

Site Map
Reference Material

Mlawula Nature Reserve
Butterfly Checklist
Moths Checklist
Reptiles and Amphibians
Butterfly Checklist

SNTC Headquarters: Parliament Road. P O Box 100, Lobamba, Swaziland. Tel: (+268) 2416 1516, 2416 1489, 2416 1179. Fax: (+268) 2416 1875, 2416 1480. Email: info@sntc.org.sz
National Museum:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1875
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: curator@sntc.org.sz
King Sobhuza II Memorial Park:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1489
Fax: 2416 1875
Email: ksmp@sntc.org.sz
Malolotja Nature Reserve:
Tel/Fax: (+268) 2444 3241
Cell: 7660 6755
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Mantenga Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2416 1151
2416 1178, Fax: 2416 1480
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Magadzavane Lodge
Mlawula Nature Reserve:
Tel: (+268) 2343 5108/9
Fax: 2343 5111
Email: magadzavane@sntc.org.sz