Swaziland's Fauna Red Lists

(Information from "Threatened Vertebrates of Swaziland", by A Monadjem, R C Boycott, V Parker and J Culverwell, 2003.)


Critically Endangered   Southern African Status International Status
Barbus cf. neefi   Sidespot barb Not listed Not listed
Chiloglanis bifurcus  Jubb and Le Roux 1969 Incomati suckermouth/rock catlet Critically Endangered Critically Endangered
Astatotilapia brevis  (Jubb 1968) Orange fringed largemouth Vulnerable Vulnerable
Endangered   Southern African Status International Status
Barbus brevipennis  Jubb 1966 Shortfin barb Vulnerable Vulnerable
Vulnerable   Southern African Status International Status
Barbus crocodilensis   Southern rosefin barb Not listed Not listed
Amphilius natalensis  Boulenger 1917 Natal mountain catfish Not listed Not listed
Near Threatened   Southern African Status International Status
Barbus polylepis  Boulenger 1907 Smallscale yellowfish Not listed Not listed
Varicorhinus nelspruitensis  Gilchrist and Thompson 1911 Incomati chiselmouth Not listed Not listed
Least Concern   Southern African Status International Status
Opsaridium peringueyi   Southern barred minnow Vulnerable Vulnerable
Chiloglanis emarginatus  Jubb and Le Roux 1969 Phongolo rock catlet Near Threatened Not listed
Data Deficient   Southern African Status International Status
Hydrocynus vittatus  Castelnau 1861 Tiger fish    


Vulnerable   Southern African Status International Status
Python sebae natalensis Smith, 1840 Southern African python Vulnerable Not listed
Crocodylus niloticus  Laurenti, 1768   Vulnerable Not listed
Near Threatened   Southern African Status International Status
Afroedura pondolia major Onderstall, 1984 Swazi thick-tailed rock gecko Not listed Not listed
Nucras lalandii  (Milne-Edwards, 1829) Delalande's sandveld lizard Not listed Not listed
Chamaesaura aenea (Wiegmann) Fitzinger, 1843 Transvaal grass lizard Not listed Not listed
Chamaesaura anguina anguina (Linnaeus, 1758) Cape grass lizard Not listed Not listed
Lycodonomorphus whytii obscuriventris FitzSimons, 1964 Floodplain water snake Peripheral Not listed
Meizodon semiornatus  (Peters, 1854) Semiornate snake Peripheral Not listed
Dasypeltis inornata  Smith, 1849 Brown egg-eater Not listed Not listed
Kinixys natalensis  Hewitt, 1935 Natal hinged tortoise Rare Near Threatened
Data Deficient   Southern African Status International Status
Lamprophus fuscus   Yellow-bellied house snake Rare Near Threatened
Lamprophis swazicus  Schaefer, 1970 Swazi rock snake Rare Near Threatened
Lycophidion variegatum  Broadley, 1969 Variegated wolf snake Peripheral Not listed
Homoroselaps dorsalis  (Smith, 1849)   Rare Not listed


Regionally Extinct   Southern African Status International Status
Pyxicephalus adspersus adspersus Tschudi, 1838   Near Threatened Not listed
Near Threatened   Southern African Status International Status
Hyperolius semidiscus  Hewitt, 1927 Yellow-striped reed frog Not listed Not listed
Least Concern   Southern African Status International Status
Afrixalus aureus   Golden leaf-folding frog Rare Not listed
Data Deficient   Southern African Status International Status
Hildebrandtia ornata   Ornate frog Not listed Not listed


Regionally Extinct   Southern African Status International Status
Gyps coprotheres Cape vulture Vulnerable Vulnerable
Grys carunculata Wattled crane Critically Endangered Vulnerable
Anthropoides paradisea Blue crane Vulnerable Vulnerable
Balearica regulorum Crowned crane Vulnerable Not listed
Ardeotis kori Kori bustard Vulnerable Not listed
Scotopelia peli Pels fishing owl Vulnerable Not listed
Buphagus africanus Yellowbilled oxpecker Vulnerable Not listed
Critically Endangered   Southern African Status International Status
Hirundo atrocaerulea Blue swallow Critically Endangered Vulnerable
Endangered   Southern African Status International Status
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Saddlebilled stork Endangered Not listed
Sagittarius serpentarius Secretarybird Near Threatened Not listed
Torgos tracheliotus Lappetfaced vulture Vulnerable Vulnerable
Trigonoceps occipitalis Whiteheaded vulture Vulnerable Not listed
Aquila rapax Tawny eagle Vulnerable Not listed
Hieraaetus fasciatus African hawk eagle Not listed Not listed
Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur Vulnerable Not listed
Turnix hottentotta Blackrumped buttonquail Endangered Not listed
Sarothrura affinis Striped flufftail Vulnerable Not listed
Neotis denhami Stanley's bustard Vulnerable Not listed
Tyto capensis Grass owl Vulnerable Not listed
Bucorvus leadbeateri Ground hornbill Vulnerable Not listed
Vulnerable   Southern African Status International Status
Gorsachius leuconotus Whitebacked night heron Vulnerable Not listed
Ciconia nigra Black stork Near Threatened Not listed
Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marabou stork Near Threatened Not listed
Geronticus calvus Bald ibis Vulnerable Vulnerable
Aquila verreauxii Black eagle Not listed Not listed
Polemaetus bellicosus Martial eagle Vulnerable Not listed
Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned eagle Near Threatened Not listed
Circus ranivorus African marsh harrier Vulnerable Not listed
Podica senegalensis African finfoot Vulnerable Not listed
Eupodotis cafra Whitebellied korhaan Vulnerable Not listed
Glaucidium capense Barred owl Not listed Not listed
Smithornis capensis African broadbill Near Threatened Not listed
Lioptilus nigricapillus Bush blackcap Near Threatened Near Threatened
Turdus gurneyi Orange thrush Near Threatened Not listed
Near Threatened   Southern African Status International Status
Ciconia episcopus Woollynecked stork Near Threatened Not listed
Mycteria ibis Yellowbilled stork Near Threatened Not listed
Gyps africanus Whitebacked vulture Vulnerable Not listed
Lophaetus occipitalis Longcrested eagle Not listed Not listed
Circaetus gallicus Blackbreasted snake eagle Not listed Not listed
Falco peregrinus Peregrine falcon Near Threatened Not listed
Vanellus melanopterus Blackwinged plover Near Threatened Not listed
Bubo lacteus Giant eagle owl Not listed Not listed
Alcedo semitorquata Halfcollared kingfisher Near Threatened Not listed
Geocolaptes olivaceus Ground woodpecker Not listed Not listed
Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Yellowstreaked bulbul Not listed Not listed
Erythropygia signata Brown robin Not listed Not listed
Buphagus erythrorhynchus Redbilled oxpecker Near Threatened Not listed
Least Concern   Southern African Status International Status
Falco biarmicus Lanner falcon Near Threatened Not listed
Eupodotis melanogaster Blackbellied korhaan Near Threatened Not listed
Glareola pratincola Redwinged pratincole Near Threatened Not listed
Centropus bengalensis Black coucal Near Threatened Not listed
Oenanthe bifasciata Buffstreaked chat Not listed Not listed (previously Near Threatened, 1996)
Schoenicola brevirostris Broadtailed warbler Near Threatened Not listed
Apalis ruddi Rudds apalis Near Threatened Not listed
Hypargos margaritatus Pinkthroated twinspot Near Threatened Not listed


Regionally Extinct   Southern African Status International Status
Sigmoceros lichtensteinii   Lichtenstein's hartebeest Regionally Extinct Conservation-dependent
Acinonyx jubatus   Cheetah Out of Danger Vulnerable
Lycaon pictus   African wild dog Endangered Endangered
Endangered   Southern African Status International Status
Diceros bicornis minor  Hook-lipped (black) rhinoceros Vulnerable Critically Endangered
Manis temminckii   Pangolin Vulnerable Near Threatened
Cercopithecus mitis   Samango monkey Rare Not listed
Vulnerable   Southern African Status International Status
Hippopotamus amphibius   Hippopotamus Rare Not listed
Ourebia ourebi   Oribi Vulnerable Conservation-dependent
Crocuta crocuta   Spotted hyaena Not listed Conservation-dependent
Mellivora capensis   Honey badger Vulnerable Not listed
Ceratotherium simum   Square-lipped (white) rhinoceros Not listed Near Threatened
Dasymys incomtus   Water rat Indeterminate Data Deficient
Near Threatened   Southern African Status International Status
Giraffa camelopardalis   Giraffe Not listed Conservation-dependent
Hippotragus equinus   Roan antelope Endangered Conservation-dependent
Hippotragus niger   Sable Vulnerable Conservation-dependent
Damaliscus lunatus   Tsessebe Rare Conservation-dependent
Cephalophus natalensis   Red duiker Rare Conservation-dependent
Oreotragus oreotragus   Klipspringer Not listed Conservation-dependent
Syncerus caffer   Buffalo Not listed Conservation-dependent
Taurotragus oryx   Eland Not listed Conservation-dependent
Pelea capreolis   Grey rhebok Not listed Conservation-dependent
Redunca arundinum   Common reedbuck Not listed Conservation-dependent
Redunca fulvorufula   Mountain reedbuck Not listed Conservation-dependent
Kobus ellipsiprymnus   Common waterbuck Not listed Conservation-dependent
Proteles cristatus   Aardwolf Not listed Not listed
Panthera pardus   Leopard Rare Not listed
Panthera leo   Lion Vulnerable Vulnerable
Felis serval   Serval Rare Not listed
Poecilogale albinucha   Striped weasel Rare Not listed
Civettictis civetta   African civet Rare Not listed
Loxodonta africana   Elephant Out of Danger Endangered
Miniopterus schreibersii   Schreibers' long fingered bat Not listed Near Threatened
Miniopterus fraterculus   Lesser long-fingered bat Not listed Near Threatened
Least Concern   Southern African Status International Status
Phacochoerus aethiopicus   Warthog Not listed Not listed
Connochaetes gnou   Black wildebeest Not listed Conservation-dependent
Connochaetes taurinus   Blue wildebeest Not listed Conservation-dependent
Alcelaphus buselaphus   Red hartebeest Not listed Conservation-dependent
Damaliscus dorcus phillipsi  Blesbok Not listed Conservation-dependent
Aepyceros melampus   Impala Not listed Conservation-dependent
Tragelaphus angasi   Nyala Not listed Conservation-dependent
Tragelaphus scriptus   Bushbuck Not listed Not listed
Tragelaphus strepsiceros   Greater kudu Not listed Conservation-dependent
Crocidura flavescens   Greater musk shrew Not listed Vulnerable
Equus burchelli antiquorus  Burchells zebra Not listed Not listed
Data Deficient   Southern African Status International Status
Felis lybica   African wild cat Vulnerable Not listed
Rhynchogale melleri   Meller's mongoose Vulnerable Not listed
Crocidura maquassiensis   Maquassie musk shrew Indeterminate Not listed
Cleotis percivali   Short-eared trident bat Indeterminate Near Threatened

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  • (+268) 2416 1875
  • ksmp@sntc.org.sz

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