Mlawula Nature Reserve: Mammals

There are about 90 species of mammals recorded from Mlawula Nature Reserve.

Mlawula Mammals Checklist

Priority Species

(Information from "Threatened Vertebrates of Swaziland", by A Monadjem, R C Boycott, V Parker and J Culverwell, 2003.)

Regionally Extinct

Felidae (Cats)

Acinonyx jubatus  
Southern African Red Data Status: Out of Danger
International Red Data Status: Vulnerable

Canidae (Foxes, wild dog and jackals)

Lycaon pictus  
(African wild dog)
Southern African Red Data Status: Endangered
International Red Data Status: Endangered


Manidae (Pangolin)

Manis temminckii  
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Near Threatened

Cercopithecidae (Monkeys and baboons)

Cercopithecus mitis  
(Samango monkey)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Not listed


Bovidae (Buffalo, wildebeest and buck)

Ourebia ourebi  
(SiSwati: Liwula)
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Hyaenidae (Aardwolf and hyaenas)

Crocuta crocuta  
(Spotted hyaena)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Mustelidae (Otters, polecats, weasels, honey badger)

Mellivora capensis  
(Honey badger)
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Cricetidae and Muridae (Rats and mice)

Dasymys incomtus  
(Water rat)
Southern African Red Data Status: Indeterminate
International Red Data Status: Data Deficient

Near Threatened

Bovidae (Buffalo, wildebeest and buck)

Cephalophus natalensis  
(Red duiker)
(SiSwati: Umsumphe)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Oreotragus oreotragus  
(SiSwati: Logoga)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Redunca arundinum  
(Common reedbuck)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Redunca fulvorufula  
(Mountain reedbuck)
(SiSwati: Lincala)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Kobus ellipsiprymnus  
(Common waterbuck)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Conservation-dependent

Hyaenidae (Aardwolf and hyaenas)

Proteles cristatus  
(SiSwati: Singce)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Felidae (Cats)

Panthera pardus  
(SiSwati: Ingwe)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Felis serval  
(SiSwati: Indloti)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Mustelidae (Otters, polecats, weasels, honey badger)

Poecilogale albinucha  
(Striped weasel)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Viverridae (Mongooses, civets, genets and suricate)

Civettictis civetta  
(African civet)
Southern African Red Data Status: Rare
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Vespertilionidae (Vesper bats)

Miniopterus schreibersii  
(Schreibers' long fingered bat)
Southern African Red Data Status: Not listed
International Red Data Status: Near Threatened

Data Deficient

Felidae (Cats)

Felis lybica  
(African wild cat)
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Not listed

Viverridae (Mongooses, civets, genets and suricate)

Rhynchogale melleri  
(Meller's mongoose)
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Not listed

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