Swaziland's Biodiversity: Moths (excluding Moths)

Swaziland's Moths by family, subfamily and tribe:

For detailed information on each species, click on the species name.

Pieridae  Pierinae  Pierini

Belenois aurota aurota
   Brown-veined white
Malolotja Mantenga Mlawula
Belenois creona severina
   African common white
Malolotja Mlawula
Belenois gidica abyssinica
   African veined white
Belenois thysa thysa
   False dotted border
Belenois zochalia zochalia
   Forest white
Dixeia charina charina
   African small white
Dixeia doxo parva
   Black-veined small white
Dixeia pigea
   Ant-heap white
Dixeia spilleri
   Sulphur small white
Mylothris agathina agathina
   Common dotted border
Malolotja Mlawula
Mylothris rueppellii haemus
   Twin dotted border

    King Sobhuza II Park

  • (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1489
  • (+268) 2416 1875
  • ksmp@sntc.org.sz

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    Swaziland National Trust Commission Headquarters

  • Swaziland National Museum
    P.O. Box 100
    Lobamba, Mbabane
  • (+268) 2416 1489/1179
  • info@sntc.org.sz