SNPAS Upgrade of Swaziland's Biodiversity Baseline Data

Swaziland, as a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other multilateral environmental agreements, is part of the global community with obligations to provide information for ecosystem and PAs management. Knowledge on the country's biodiversity is critical for the systematic planning and management of biodiversity and reporting on its conservation status. This requires the identification, collection, collation and analysis of critical data and information on biodiversity, including ecosystem processes and services.

Prior to the commencement of this project, some of Swaziland's biodiversity baseline data was available from databases compiled for the Swaziland National Trust Commission (SNTC) and accessible from its website (about 20,570 records). This dataset has been upgraded and expanded, incorporating data from various sources, and work will continue on this until March 2018. As at August 2017, the data obtained includes 314 463 records 8144 taxa.

Data Sources:

  • Existing data held by SNTC
  • GBIF
  • Museums and herbaria outside southern Africa
  • Private individuals
  • Virtual Museums

Datasets from the University of Swaziland and ADU-UCT virtual museum older records have not yet been obtained to be included yet.

Taxonomy: provisional checklists

If you would like any of these checklists in Excel format, please contact Kate Braun.

    King Sobhuza II Park

  • (+268) 2416 1179, 2416 1489
  • (+268) 2416 1875

    Stay Up to Date With What's Happening

    Swaziland National Trust Commission Headquarters

  • Swaziland National Museum
    P.O. Box 100
    Lobamba, Mbabane
  • (+268) 2416 1489/1179