Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Abrus laevigatus    (Lucky Bean)
     Poisonous seeds.
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus    (Lucky Bean)
     Roots & leaves for chest complaints, contraceptive & abortifacient.
Abutilon sonneratianum    (Butter and Cheese)
     A stimulant for bulls.
Acacia ataxacantha    (Flame Thorn)  funuzumhole,  lugagane,  magucu,  migamandi,  sitfwetfwe,  umkhaya,
     Bark used for treating abcesses
Acacia caffra    (Cat Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  lugagane,  singa,  umtfolo,  umtfololwane,
     Bark emetic for blood cleansing
Acacia gerrardii    (Red Thorn)  liphute,  liphuze,  mbote,  mngamandi,  singa,
     Medicinal for gastroenteritis
Acacia karroo    (Sweet Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  singa,  umgamatsi,  umunga,
     Gum for mouth ulcers & throat thrush. Bark & leafs for diarrhoea & dysentery. Gum reputed to delay puberty.
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens    (Black Thorn)
     Roots used medicinally for stomach complaints. Gum delays puberty.
Acacia natalitia    (Natal Thorn)  singa,  umunga,
     Bark used as a diuretic.
Acacia nigrescens    (Knobthorn)  mkhaya,  ukhaya,  umhlofunga,  umkhaya,  umkyayo,
     Leaves used for asthma. Bark to treat fatigue.
Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana    (Scented Thorn)  inshagu,  inshakwe,  lugagane,  sitfetfe,  sitfwetfwe,  umncawe,
     Bark for coughs. Gum may delay puberty. Bark & roots are an emetic.
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha    (White Thorn)  umtfolo,  umtfolowesiganga,  umtfolowesintfu,
     Bark is medicinal.
Acacia robusta    (Brack Thorn)  imgamba,  singa,  umgamazi,  umngamazi,  umngamti,
     Roots & bark medicinal
     Roots medicinal. Bark for hernia and to increase stamina.
Acacia robusta    (Brack Thorn)  imgamba,  singa,  umgamazi,  umngamazi,  umngamti,
     Roots & bark medicinal
     Roots medicinal. Bark for hernia and to increase stamina.
Acacia senegal    (Three Hook Thorn)  ambambimphala,  sibanbimphala,  umbambimphala,
     Gum treats bacterial & fungal skin & mouth infections. Antibiotic
Acacia sieberiana    (Paperbark Thorn)  inkhambane,  sitfwetfwe,  umkhambane,  umnganduzi,
     Bark is used as an analgesic and for vomiting.
Acacia swazica    (Swazi Thorn)  khalimela,  lubibi,  sasane,  sitfwetfwe,
     Medicinal roots.
Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha    (Umbrella Thorn)  lisasa,  sasanelomncane,  sitfetfe,  sitfwetfwe,  umsasane,
     Leaves used for asthma.
Acacia xanthophloea    (Fever Tree)  umhlafunga,  umhlafutfwa,  umhlosinga,  umkhanyakudze,
     Wrongly associated with malaria. Bark is medicinal for fevers. Used as an emetic.
Acalypha angustata    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
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