Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Abrus laevigatus (Lucky Bean) | |
Poisonous seeds. | |
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus (Lucky Bean) | |
Roots & leaves for chest complaints, contraceptive & abortifacient. | |
Abutilon sonneratianum (Butter and Cheese) | |
A stimulant for bulls. | |
Acacia ataxacantha (Flame Thorn) funuzumhole, lugagane, magucu, migamandi, sitfwetfwe, umkhaya, | |
Bark used for treating abcesses | |
Acacia caffra (Cat Thorn) isinga, lisinga, lugagane, singa, umtfolo, umtfololwane, | |
Bark emetic for blood cleansing | |
Acacia gerrardii (Red Thorn) liphute, liphuze, mbote, mngamandi, singa, | |
Medicinal for gastroenteritis | |
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Gum for mouth ulcers & throat thrush. Bark & leafs for diarrhoea & dysentery. Gum reputed to delay puberty. | |
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens (Black Thorn) | |
Roots used medicinally for stomach complaints. Gum delays puberty. | |
Acacia natalitia (Natal Thorn) singa, umunga, | |
Bark used as a diuretic. | |
Acacia nigrescens (Knobthorn) mkhaya, ukhaya, umhlofunga, umkhaya, umkyayo, | |
Leaves used for asthma. Bark to treat fatigue. | |
Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Scented Thorn) inshagu, inshakwe, lugagane, sitfetfe, sitfwetfwe, umncawe, | |
Bark for coughs. Gum may delay puberty. Bark & roots are an emetic. | |
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha (White Thorn) umtfolo, umtfolowesiganga, umtfolowesintfu, | |
Bark is medicinal. | |
Acacia robusta (Brack Thorn) imgamba, singa, umgamazi, umngamazi, umngamti, | |
Roots & bark medicinal | |
Roots medicinal. Bark for hernia and to increase stamina. | |
Acacia robusta (Brack Thorn) imgamba, singa, umgamazi, umngamazi, umngamti, | |
Roots & bark medicinal | |
Roots medicinal. Bark for hernia and to increase stamina. | |
Acacia senegal (Three Hook Thorn) ambambimphala, sibanbimphala, umbambimphala, | |
Gum treats bacterial & fungal skin & mouth infections. Antibiotic | |
Acacia sieberiana (Paperbark Thorn) inkhambane, sitfwetfwe, umkhambane, umnganduzi, | |
Bark is used as an analgesic and for vomiting. | |
Acacia swazica (Swazi Thorn) khalimela, lubibi, sasane, sitfwetfwe, | |
Medicinal roots. | |
Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha (Umbrella Thorn) lisasa, sasanelomncane, sitfetfe, sitfwetfwe, umsasane, | |
Leaves used for asthma. | |
Acacia xanthophloea (Fever Tree) umhlafunga, umhlafutfwa, umhlosinga, umkhanyakudze, | |
Wrongly associated with malaria. Bark is medicinal for fevers. Used as an emetic. | |
Acalypha angustata (Forest False Nettle) | |
Medicinal for diarrhoea | |
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