Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Triumfetta welwitschii | |
Medicinal in Zimbabwe for diarrhoea. | |
Trochomeria sagittata sukasambe, | |
Roots used for abdominal pain. | |
Tulbaghia acutiloba (Wild Garlic) lisela, liselwa, | |
Medicinal. | |
Tulbaghia ludwigiana (Scented Wild Garlic) ingotjwa, mwelela, sikhwa, | |
Medicinal. | |
Turraea floribunda (Honeysuckle Tree) inkunzana, inkunzane, umdlozana, | |
Bark & root for rheumatism, dropsy & heart problems. | |
Turraea obtusifolia (Small Honeysuckle Tree) amazulu, ikunzi embomvana, inkunzi, umhlatholana, | |
Crushed leaves used as enema. Roots and leaves for back pain. | |
Tylosema fassoglense (Marama Bean) khubakhulu, | |
Roots & bark are medicinal. | |
Typha capensis (Bullrush) libhuma, | |
Rhizomes - menstrual pain, blood purification & pregnancy oedema. | |
Urochloa mosambicensis (Bushveld Signal Grass) | |
Medicinal | |
Ursinia tenuiloba umuthi wezifuba, | |
Medicinal for coughs | |
Urtica urens * (Small Stinging Nettle) imbabatane, isibathi, isibati, lisibati, umbababazane, | |
Widely used for medicinal purposes | |
Utricularia livida (Bladderwort) intambo, | |
To help babies digestion | |
Utricularia prehensilis (Large Yellow Bladderwort) iphengulula, | |
An emetic | |
Uvaria caffra (Small Cluster-pear) umtitane, | |
Roots used for chest pains. | |
Valeriana capensis var. capensis (Cape Valerian) | |
Roots for insomnia, hysteria & epilepsy. Also medicinal fumigant. | |
Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta (Wild Medlar) imadnulu, imandulu, infahlo, infaylo, infaylo, infayo, limandvulo, mantulwa, mavelo, santudlevane, santulwan, santulwana, santulwane, umfilwa, umgana, umntudlwana, umntuli, umntulu, umntulwa, umvigo, umvile, umviyo, | |
Roots for malaria & pneumonia. Worm remedy & purgative. Bark used to treat blood stool. | |
Vepris lanceolata (White Ironwood) | |
Powdered root for influenza. | |
Vernonia amygdalina (Tree Vernonia) | |
Root bark a tonic & for bilharzia. Infertility in women. | |
Vernonia colorata subsp. colorata (Bitter Leaf) lihlunguhlungu, luhlunguhlungu, | |
Roots & leaves used as a tonic to treat fevers & coughs & boils. Roots & bark as stomach purger. | |
Vernonia crataegifolia hlunguhlungu, lihlunguhlungu, luhlunguhlungu, uhlunguhlungu, | |
Treats colds, stomach ache, hysteria, & epilepsy. Also roots for diarrhoea in children. | |
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