Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Triumfetta welwitschii   
     Medicinal in Zimbabwe for diarrhoea.
Trochomeria sagittata     sukasambe,
     Roots used for abdominal pain.
Tulbaghia acutiloba    (Wild Garlic)  lisela,  liselwa,
Tulbaghia ludwigiana    (Scented Wild Garlic)  ingotjwa,  mwelela,  sikhwa,
Turraea floribunda    (Honeysuckle Tree)  inkunzana,  inkunzane,  umdlozana,
     Bark & root for rheumatism, dropsy & heart problems.
Turraea obtusifolia    (Small Honeysuckle Tree)  amazulu,  ikunzi embomvana,  inkunzi,  umhlatholana,
     Crushed leaves used as enema. Roots and leaves for back pain.
Tylosema fassoglense    (Marama Bean)  khubakhulu,
     Roots & bark are medicinal.
Typha capensis    (Bullrush)  libhuma,
     Rhizomes - menstrual pain, blood purification & pregnancy oedema.
Urochloa mosambicensis    (Bushveld Signal Grass)
Ursinia tenuiloba     umuthi wezifuba,
     Medicinal for coughs
Urtica urens *   (Small Stinging Nettle)  imbabatane,  isibathi,  isibati,  lisibati,  umbababazane,
     Widely used for medicinal purposes
Utricularia livida    (Bladderwort)  intambo,
     To help babies digestion
Utricularia prehensilis    (Large Yellow Bladderwort)  iphengulula,
     An emetic
Uvaria caffra    (Small Cluster-pear)  umtitane,
     Roots used for chest pains.
Valeriana capensis var. capensis    (Cape Valerian)
     Roots for insomnia, hysteria & epilepsy. Also medicinal fumigant.
Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta    (Wild Medlar)  imadnulu,  imandulu,  infahlo,  infaylo,  infaylo,  infayo,  limandvulo,  mantulwa,  mavelo,  santudlevane,  santulwan,  santulwana,  santulwane,  umfilwa,  umgana,  umntudlwana,  umntuli,  umntulu,  umntulwa,  umvigo,  umvile,  umviyo,
     Roots for malaria & pneumonia. Worm remedy & purgative. Bark used to treat blood stool.
Vepris lanceolata    (White Ironwood)
     Powdered root for influenza.
Vernonia amygdalina    (Tree Vernonia)
     Root bark a tonic & for bilharzia. Infertility in women.
Vernonia colorata subsp. colorata    (Bitter Leaf)  lihlunguhlungu,  luhlunguhlungu,
     Roots & leaves used as a tonic to treat fevers & coughs & boils. Roots & bark as stomach purger.
Vernonia crataegifolia     hlunguhlungu,  lihlunguhlungu,  luhlunguhlungu,  uhlunguhlungu,
     Treats colds, stomach ache, hysteria, & epilepsy. Also roots for diarrhoea in children.
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