Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Peucedanum upingtoniae | |
Medicinal | |
Philenoptera violacea (Apple-leaf Tree) isihomohomo, sihhomuhhomu, sihomuhomu, umhomuhomu, umphandvo, | |
Leaves a traditional medicine. Used as ordeal plant in West Africa. Smoke from burning roots a cold cure. Roots for snake bite. Bark is a diruetic | |
Phragmites australis (Common Reed) lishane, umklanga, | |
Stem liquid for expectorant & pain relief | |
Phygelius aequalis (River Bell) | |
Used in traditional medicine. | |
Phyllanthus pentandrus | |
Medicinal | |
Phyllanthus reticulatus var. reticulatus (Potato Bush) calekile, intaba-yengwe, intsabayengwe, nhlanhla, nklankla, | |
Leaves & fruits for sores & burns. Crushed roots & leaves are inhaled. | |
Physalis peruviana * (Cape Gooseberry) | |
Leaves medicinal. Antidandruff. Prevents swellings from sprains. | |
Physalis viscosa * (Wild Gooseberry) | |
Root for dressing wounds and for headaches & stomach problems. | |
Phytolacca americana (Pokeweed) | |
Fruits, leaves & especially roots thought to be poisonous. | |
Phytolacca dioica * (Pokeberry Tree) | |
Fruits, leaves & especially roots thought to be poisonous. | |
Phytolacca heptandra (Pokeweed) | |
Fruits, leaves & especially roots thought to be poisonous. | |
Phytolacca octandra (Forest Inkberry) umnanja, umnyandla, | |
Medicinal for snakebite, hest complaints & wounds. Poisonous. | |
Piliostigma thonningii (Camel's Foot) | |
All parts of tree widely used for medicinal purposes. | |
Pittosporum viridiflorum (Cheesewood) mkhwakhwa, sibhaha, sibhaha-senkhangala, umfusamvu, umvusamvu, | |
Bark for stomach. Dried bark in beer as an aphrodisiac. Roots and bark used for psychosis. | |
Plantago lanceolata (Narrow-leaved Ribwort) | |
Herbal leaves are anti-inflammatory & expectorant also for earache. | |
Plantago longissima (Ribwort) lidzambigo, | |
Leaves used to treat skin swellings. | |
Plantago major (Broad-leaved Ribwort) indlebeka-tekwane, | |
Herbal leaves. Mouth & ear ailments & diarrhoea. Diuretic. | |
Plectranthus amboinicus (Country Borage) | |
Medicinal tea for dry cough. | |
Plectranthus barbatus | |
Roots used for heart failure, glaucoma, bronchitus & hypertension. | |
Plectranthus ecklonii (Large Spurflower Bush) | |
Leaf remedy for headaches and hayfever. | |
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