Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Synadenium cupulare    (Dead Man's Tree)  sidletjana,
     Leaves for headache, toothache, asthma & eyes. Poisonous.
Syncolostemon parviflorus var. parviflorus    (Small-flowered Pink Plume)  umnandi,
     Medicinal for loss of appetite.
Syzygium cordatum    (Waterberry)  tincozi,  umcozi,  umgcosi,  umngcosi,
     Bark as emetic and for stomach problems.
Syzygium cumini *   (Jambolan-plum)
     Bark & seeds are astringent & anti-diabetic. Lowers blood levels.
Syzygium gerrardii    (Forest Waterberry)
     Bark infusion of chest complaints.
Syzygium guineense    (Woodland Waterberry)
     Root or bark infusion medicinal for diarrhoea but can be poisonous.
Tabernaemontana elegans    (Toad Tree)  mkhahlu,  umfomamasi,  umkhahlu,  umkhalu,  umkhamasi,
     Root for pulmonary diseases. Coagulated latex is a styptic. Fruit used for STDs. Bark and fruit for vomit.
Tacazzea apiculata    (Crawcraw Vine)  isimondane,
     Medicinal tonic
Tagetes minuta *   (Tall Khaki Bush)  nukani,
     Medicinal for nematode Infections.
Talinum arnotii    (Porcupine Root)  mphunyuka,  umpunyu,
     Bulb medicinal for stomach ache, chest & abdomen & for TB.
Talinum tenuissimum    (Fameflower)
Taraxacum officinale *   (Dandelion)  umashwababa,
     Leaves & root a bitter tonic for skin disorders. Diuretic & detoxicant.
Tarchonanthus camphoratus    (Wild Camphor Bush)  ligcebe lelimhlophe,
     Dried leaves narcotic, sedative for headaches. Leaf poultice for asthma.
Tarchonanthus trilobus var. galpinii    (Camphor Tree)  ligcebelematje,  phahla,  sinukani,  umbebase,  umncweba,
     Wood used for construction including the King's kraal.
     Wood & leaves for essential oils. Circulatory & respiratory stimulant. Roots & bark for libido & vomiting,
Tarchonanthus trilobus var. galpinii    (Camphor Tree)  ligcebelematje,  phahla,  sinukani,  umbebase,  umncweba,
     Wood used for construction including the King's kraal.
     Wood & leaves for essential oils. Circulatory & respiratory stimulant. Roots & bark for libido & vomiting,
Teclea gerrardii    (Zulu Cherry-orange)  umbotane,
     Roots used for stomach ache.
Tecomaria capensis subsp. capensis    (Cape Honeysuckle)  bopu,  malangula,
     Bark for fevers, pain, chest ailments & dysentery. Leaf for diarrhoea.
Tephrosia elongata var. elongata    (Orange Tephrosia)  isiwisa,
     Emetic to cleanse stomach
Tephrosia grandiflora    (Pink Bush Pea)
     Medicinal for chest ailments.
Tephrosia macropoda    (Creeping Tephrosia)  ilozane,
     Chest ailments, fevers, lice & internal parasites.
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