Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Alepidea gracilis    (Kalmus)  likhatsato,  likhatsatwana,
Alepidea longifolia    (Kalmus)  cocwane,  likhatsato,  likhokhwane,  linjata,
Alepidea parva    (Kalmus)  likhatsato,
Alepidea setifera    (Kalmus)  likhatsatwana,
Aloe affinis    (Aloes)
Aloe albida    (Aloes)  inhlatjana,
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe arborescens    (Krantz Aloe)  imbovane,  incena,
     Leaf sap for burns, X-ray burns, wounds, bruises & skin abrasions. Leaves for high blood pressure &diabetes.
Aloe barberae    (Eastern Tree Aloe)
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe chabaudii var. chabaudii    (Chabaud's Aloe)  libhamali,
     Snuff & roots for toothache. Antibiotic
Aloe chortolirioides    (Aloes)  inhlatjana,
Aloe cooperi    (Cooper's Aloe)  lisheleshele,  lisheshelu,
     For easy birthing.
Aloe cryptopoda    (Hill Aloe)
     Snuff & roots for toothache. Antibiotic
Aloe dewetii    (De Wet's Aloe)
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe ecklonis    (Ecklon's Aloe)  lisheshelu,
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana    (Veld Aloe)
     Leaf sap for urns & wounds. Antibiotic
Aloe kniphofioides    (Grass Aloe)  inhlatjana,
     Medicinal snuff.
Aloe linearifolia    (Dwarf Yellow Grass Aloe)
Aloe maculata    (Common Soap Aloe)  emahala,  lihala,
     Medicinal for colds, wounds, & ringworm.
Aloe marlothii    (Flat Flowered Aloe)  mallotti,  umhlaba,
     Leaves for snuff, stomach cramps & antibiotic. Roots & leaves for toothache & roundworm.
Aloe minima    (Pink Grass Aloe)  inhlatjana,
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