Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Erythrophleum lasianthum (Swazi Ordeal Tree) umhlahle, umkhankhu, umkhwangu, | |
Bark - as snuff for colds, head and stomach aches. Bark, roots & seeds medicinal, poisonous & anaesthetic. | |
Erythroxylum delagoense (Small Leaved Coca Tree) ijobe, izaza, lijobe, likhikhu, luphehlwane, umneyana, | |
Medicinal as emetic and herb booster. Related to the E. coca, the cocaine plant of the Americas. | |
Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides * (Blue Weed) umsokosoko, | |
Treats colic, intestinal parasites & madness. | |
Euclea crispa subsp. crispa (Blue Guarri) inchitsamuti, indodennyama, indvodzemnyama, nyamatanemkhulu, sijele, umndlela, | |
Roots for epilepsy & an emetic also to pevent miscarriages. Bark & leaf for diabetes. Roots for constipation in children. | |
Euclea divinorum (Magic Guarri) indlelanyamatane-lebovu, indvodzemnyama, sijelele, | |
Roots & bark for headache, toothache & convulsions. Fruits are a purgative.Roots to prevent miscarriage & baby cleansing. | |
Euclea natalensis (Natal Ebony) inchitsamuzi, indvodzemnyama, nkunzemnyama, umchitamuzi, | |
Powdered roots for headache & toothache. Dental care. Also for sexual stimulation. | |
Euclea schimperi (Bush Guarri) inchitsamuti, indvodzemnyama, | |
Medicinal. Analgesic | |
Euclea undulata (Common Guarri) santinyana, | |
Roots are strong purgative, used for toothache. Bark for headaches. | |
Eucomis autumnalis subsp. clavata (Common Pinenapple Flower) makhandakansele, matfunga, | |
Bulb for backache, stomach-ache, fractures, syphilis, fevers & bilharzia. Heals interior wounds & fractures. | |
Eugenia capensis subsp. capensis (Dune Myrtle) inhlele, | |
Boiled leaves used as poultice for pneumonia. | |
Eulophia clavicornis (Mauve Pixies) elihlaza, imfeyamasele, | |
Tubers medicinal for infertility | |
Eulophia parviflora imfeyamasele, | |
Medicinal. | |
Eulophia petersii liphakama-laphansi, | |
Medicinal | |
Eulophia speciosa (Aandblummetjie) | |
Medicinal emetic | |
Eulophia streptopetala (Twisted-petal Eulophia) | |
Tuber infusion used by young men when courting | |
Euphorbia angrae (Euphorbia) | |
Stomach medicine. | |
Euphorbia clavigera sihlonhlwana, | |
Stomach medicine. | |
Euphorbia cooperi (Lesser Candelabra Tree) | |
Stomach & bladder medicine. Roots for warts. Poisonous | |
Euphorbia cyathophora * (Fire-on-the-Mountain) | |
Stomach medicine. | |
Euphorbia epicyparissias (Wild Spurge) | |
Stomach medicine. | |
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