Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Erythrophleum lasianthum    (Swazi Ordeal Tree)  umhlahle,  umkhankhu,  umkhwangu,
     Bark - as snuff for colds, head and stomach aches. Bark, roots & seeds medicinal, poisonous & anaesthetic.
Erythroxylum delagoense    (Small Leaved Coca Tree)  ijobe,  izaza,  lijobe,  likhikhu,  luphehlwane,  umneyana,
     Medicinal as emetic and herb booster. Related to the E. coca, the cocaine plant of the Americas.
Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides *   (Blue Weed)  umsokosoko,
     Treats colic, intestinal parasites & madness.
Euclea crispa subsp. crispa    (Blue Guarri)  inchitsamuti,  indodennyama,  indvodzemnyama,  nyamatanemkhulu,  sijele,  umndlela,
     Roots for epilepsy & an emetic also to pevent miscarriages. Bark & leaf for diabetes. Roots for constipation in children.
Euclea divinorum    (Magic Guarri)  indlelanyamatane-lebovu,  indvodzemnyama,  sijelele,
     Roots & bark for headache, toothache & convulsions. Fruits are a purgative.Roots to prevent miscarriage & baby cleansing.
Euclea natalensis    (Natal Ebony)  inchitsamuzi,  indvodzemnyama,  nkunzemnyama,  umchitamuzi,
     Powdered roots for headache & toothache. Dental care. Also for sexual stimulation.
Euclea schimperi    (Bush Guarri)  inchitsamuti,  indvodzemnyama,
     Medicinal. Analgesic
Euclea undulata    (Common Guarri)  santinyana,
     Roots are strong purgative, used for toothache. Bark for headaches.
Eucomis autumnalis subsp. clavata    (Common Pinenapple Flower)  makhandakansele,  matfunga,
     Bulb for backache, stomach-ache, fractures, syphilis, fevers & bilharzia. Heals interior wounds & fractures.
Eugenia capensis subsp. capensis    (Dune Myrtle)  inhlele,
     Boiled leaves used as poultice for pneumonia.
Eulophia clavicornis    (Mauve Pixies)  elihlaza,  imfeyamasele,
     Tubers medicinal for infertility
Eulophia parviflora     imfeyamasele,
Eulophia petersii     liphakama-laphansi,
Eulophia speciosa    (Aandblummetjie)
     Medicinal emetic
Eulophia streptopetala    (Twisted-petal Eulophia)
     Tuber infusion used by young men when courting
Euphorbia angrae    (Euphorbia)
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia clavigera     sihlonhlwana,
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia cooperi    (Lesser Candelabra Tree)
     Stomach & bladder medicine. Roots for warts. Poisonous
Euphorbia cyathophora *   (Fire-on-the-Mountain)
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia epicyparissias    (Wild Spurge)
     Stomach medicine.
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