Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Transvaal Kooboo-berry) ingulutane, lishasha, sehlulamanya, sehlulamanye, umboyi, umgungulutane, | |
Bark as emetic | |
Newtonia hildebrandtii var. hildebrandtii (Lebombo Wattle) umfomoti, umtfombotsi, | |
Medicinal properties. | |
Nuxia congesta (Brittle Wood) siphofane, umcumatsi, umcumcatsi, | |
Bark is medicinal. | |
Nuxia floribunda (Wild Elder) inkunzi, sitsambo, | |
Bark is medicinal & an antibiotic. Leaves also medicinal. | |
Nymphaea nouchali (Blue Waterlily) amazibu, izeleba, izubu, | |
Powdered roots for asthma, coughs & colds | |
Ochna arborea (Cape Plane Tree) sifubasenkhala, | |
Splints for bone fractures. Bark as snuff to cure headaches. | |
Ochna gamostigmata (Bird's-eye Bush) | |
Splints for bones fractures. | |
Ochna holstii (Red Ironwood) isibhanku, umshelele, umthelelo, | |
Bark medicinal. | |
Ochna natalitia (Natal Plane) lincedza, sifubasenkhala, umhlabelo, umvuma, | |
Splints for bones fractures. Roots medicinal for sterility. | |
Ochna serrulata (Carnival Bush) sifubasenkhala, umvuma, | |
Splints for bones fractures. Root decoction for children with bone disease. | |
Ocimum americanum var. americanum (Wild Basil) | |
Medicinal panacea. Aromatic. | |
Ocotea bullata (Black Stinkwood) umnukane, | |
Bark for headaches, urinary & nervous disorders | |
Oenothera biennis * (Evening Primrose) | |
Roots strenghten muscles. Seed oil lowers cholestrol & blood pressure. | |
Olax dissitiflora (Small Sourplum) mampuzane, mshampuzana, umshamphunzana, | |
Medicinal | |
Olea capensis (Ironwood) sinhletje, sitimane, | |
Bark used to treat indigestion. | |
Oncoba spinosa (Snuff-box Tree) umtfongwane, umtongwane, | |
Roots for dysentary & bladder | |
Ophioglossum lusoafricanum (Adder's Tongue) sankunshane, sankuntjane, shucelane, | |
Medicinal | |
Opuntia ficus-indica * (Sweet Prickly Pear) damtiligi, | |
Flowers & fruit are astringent for intestinal disorders. | |
Orbea carnosa subsp. keithii (Keith's Thick Boat) | |
Medicinal | |
Orbea gerstneri subsp. gerstneri | |
Medicinal | |
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