Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Mystroxylon aethiopicum    (Transvaal Kooboo-berry)  ingulutane,  lishasha,  sehlulamanya,  sehlulamanye,  umboyi,  umgungulutane,
     Bark as emetic
Newtonia hildebrandtii var. hildebrandtii    (Lebombo Wattle)  umfomoti,  umtfombotsi,
     Medicinal properties.
Nuxia congesta    (Brittle Wood)  siphofane,  umcumatsi,  umcumcatsi,
     Bark is medicinal.
Nuxia floribunda    (Wild Elder)  inkunzi,  sitsambo,
     Bark is medicinal & an antibiotic. Leaves also medicinal.
Nymphaea nouchali    (Blue Waterlily)  amazibu,  izeleba,  izubu,
     Powdered roots for asthma, coughs & colds
Ochna arborea    (Cape Plane Tree)  sifubasenkhala,
     Splints for bone fractures. Bark as snuff to cure headaches.
Ochna gamostigmata    (Bird's-eye Bush)
     Splints for bones fractures.
Ochna holstii    (Red Ironwood)  isibhanku,  umshelele,  umthelelo,
     Bark medicinal.
Ochna natalitia    (Natal Plane)  lincedza,  sifubasenkhala,  umhlabelo,  umvuma,
     Splints for bones fractures. Roots medicinal for sterility.
Ochna serrulata    (Carnival Bush)  sifubasenkhala,  umvuma,
     Splints for bones fractures. Root decoction for children with bone disease.
Ocimum americanum var. americanum    (Wild Basil)
     Medicinal panacea. Aromatic.
Ocotea bullata    (Black Stinkwood)  umnukane,
     Bark for headaches, urinary & nervous disorders
Oenothera biennis *   (Evening Primrose)
     Roots strenghten muscles. Seed oil lowers cholestrol & blood pressure.
Olax dissitiflora    (Small Sourplum)  mampuzane,  mshampuzana,  umshamphunzana,
Olea capensis    (Ironwood)  sinhletje,  sitimane,
     Bark used to treat indigestion.
Oncoba spinosa    (Snuff-box Tree)  umtfongwane,  umtongwane,
     Roots for dysentary & bladder
Ophioglossum lusoafricanum    (Adder's Tongue)  sankunshane,  sankuntjane,  shucelane,
Opuntia ficus-indica *   (Sweet Prickly Pear)  damtiligi,
     Flowers & fruit are astringent for intestinal disorders.
Orbea carnosa subsp. keithii    (Keith's Thick Boat)
Orbea gerstneri subsp. gerstneri   
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