Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Plectranthus fruticosus    (Forest Spurflower)  cabhozi,
     Bark a remedy for mouth ulcers in children & for headaches.
Plectranthus hadiensis    (Wild Purple Salvia)  ilozane,
     Medicinal enema.
Plectranthus laxiflorus    (Citronella Spur-flower)  ubebebe,  ufuthane,  umadolwane,  umsuthuza,
     Abdominal, fevers, coughs, colds & as a mouthwash.
Plectranthus madagascariensis    (Madagascar Spur-flower)  ilozane,
     Remedies are made for coughs & colds.
Pluchea dioscoridis    (Vimba)  nukani,
Plumbago auriculata    (Cape Leadwort)  umasheleshele,  umasweliisweli,  umatshwilitshwili,
     Root & leaf remedies for headaches, wounds & to remove warts.
Plumbago zeylanica    (Wild White Plumbago)
Podocarpus falcatus    (Yellowwood)
     Used in traditional medicine
Pollichia campestris    (Waxberry)  ukudla kwamabhayi,  umhlungulu,
     Chest complaints & rheumatism
Polygala amatymbica    (Dwarf Polygala)
     A stimulant for cattle
Polygala hottentotta    (Small Purple Broom)  umanqandi,  uzekane,
     Abdominal complaints & anthrax. Stems & roots are aromatic.
Polygala serpentaria    (Broom)  longangendlela,
     Purgative enema for children & for snake bites
Polygala virgata    (Purple Broom)  umabopha,
     Medicinal as a blood purifier
Polygonum aviculare *   (Common Knot Grass)
     Herb for skin ailments. Diuretic & expectorant. A. troublesome weed.
Polystachya ottoniana     iphamba lehlathi,
     Medicinal for diarrhoea. Seeds as snuff.
Portulaca oleracea *   (Purslane)  silele,
     Digestive disorders. Diuretic. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-oxidant.
Portulacaria afra    (Elephant's Foot)  sidondwane,
     Dried leaves for snuff. Leaves stimulate milk production.
Pouzolzia mixta    (Soap Nettle)  udekane,
     Medicinal to dilate birth canal in Zimbabwe.
Priva cordifolia var. abyssinica     isinama,
     Medicinal for sores, wounds & ophthalmia.
Protea caffra    (Common Sugarbush)  indlunge,  sicalabane,
     Bark used in traditional medicine for bleeding ulcers. Roots & flowers used for deworming and for psychois.
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