Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Stachys aethiopica    (Wild Sage)
     Medicinal for feverish delirium
Stachys nigricans    (Betony)  umusa,
Stangeria eriopus    (Stangeria)  imfingo,
     Medicinal for high blood pressure & pain
Stapelia gigantea    (Giant Carrion Flower)  tililolomncane,
     Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic.
Stapelia leendertziae    (Leendertz's Carrion Flower)  tililolomncane,
     Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic.
Stapelia unicornis    (Carrion Flower)  tililolomncane,
     Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic.
Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea    (Carrot Tree)
     Roots for sore throats & bark for asthma
Stellaria media *   (Chickweed)
     Herb. Skin disorders, itching.
Stephania abyssinica var. tomentella     umbombo,  umthambana,  umthombo,
     Treatment for boils
Strelitzia caudata    (False Wild Banana)  inkhamango,
     Roots and bark used for syphilis & heart flutter.
Striga elegans    (Large Witchweed)
Strophanthus speciosus    (Common Poison Rope)  amasebele,  umhlazazane,  umkhukhumeza,  umshayimamba,
     Seeds & foliage poisonous. S. kombe is powerful arrow poison
Strychnos decussata    (Cape Teak)  umpathawenk,
     Infusion of root bark for stomach disorders and used as snuff.
Strychnos henningsii    (Red Bitterberry)  manono,  mhlophe,  silume lesi,  umnonono,
     Bark for nausea & stomach as a purgative. Also for syphilis. Roots for rheumatic pains. Poisonous.
Strychnos madagascariensis    (Black Monkey Orange)  emkhwakhwa,  lihlala,  umgulugulu,  umhlala,  umkhwakhwa,  umkhwakhwa,
     Infusion of root bark for stomach disorders,
Strychnos spinosa    (Green Monkey Orange)  emahlala,  mahlala,  mhlola,  umhlala,  umkhwakhwa,  umsala,
     Roots & fruits are antidote for snakebite. Grated root with oil for jigger fleas in feet. Root an emetic for fevers & inflamed eyes.
Strychnos usambarensis    (Blue Bitterberry)  umphatsankhosi lomnyama,
     Medicinal for stomach complaints. Roots for treating snake bites.
Stylochaeton natalensis    (Bushveld Arum)  mfanamacetjane,  umfana-kamacejane,
     Roots & leaves for earache & chest complaints
Suregada africana    (Common Canary-berry)  manyokane,  sitfubi,  ummemezi,  velabahleke,  vulabahleke,
Sutera floribunda     usikisiki lwehlathi,
     Medicinal for chest colds & menstrual pains.
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