Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Stachys aethiopica (Wild Sage) | |
Medicinal for feverish delirium | |
Stachys nigricans (Betony) umusa, | |
Tonic | |
Stangeria eriopus (Stangeria) imfingo, | |
Medicinal for high blood pressure & pain | |
Stapelia gigantea (Giant Carrion Flower) tililolomncane, | |
Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic. | |
Stapelia leendertziae (Leendertz's Carrion Flower) tililolomncane, | |
Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic. | |
Stapelia unicornis (Carrion Flower) tililolomncane, | |
Remedy for hysteria & mental disorders. Emetic. | |
Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea (Carrot Tree) | |
Roots for sore throats & bark for asthma | |
Stellaria media * (Chickweed) | |
Herb. Skin disorders, itching. | |
Stephania abyssinica var. tomentella umbombo, umthambana, umthombo, | |
Treatment for boils | |
Strelitzia caudata (False Wild Banana) inkhamango, | |
Roots and bark used for syphilis & heart flutter. | |
Striga elegans (Large Witchweed) | |
Medicinal | |
Strophanthus speciosus (Common Poison Rope) amasebele, umhlazazane, umkhukhumeza, umshayimamba, | |
Seeds & foliage poisonous. S. kombe is powerful arrow poison | |
Strychnos decussata (Cape Teak) umpathawenk, | |
Infusion of root bark for stomach disorders and used as snuff. | |
Strychnos henningsii (Red Bitterberry) manono, mhlophe, silume lesi, umnonono, | |
Bark for nausea & stomach as a purgative. Also for syphilis. Roots for rheumatic pains. Poisonous. | |
Strychnos madagascariensis (Black Monkey Orange) emkhwakhwa, lihlala, umgulugulu, umhlala, umkhwakhwa, umkhwakhwa, | |
Infusion of root bark for stomach disorders, | |
Strychnos spinosa (Green Monkey Orange) emahlala, mahlala, mhlola, umhlala, umkhwakhwa, umsala, | |
Roots & fruits are antidote for snakebite. Grated root with oil for jigger fleas in feet. Root an emetic for fevers & inflamed eyes. | |
Strychnos usambarensis (Blue Bitterberry) umphatsankhosi lomnyama, | |
Medicinal for stomach complaints. Roots for treating snake bites. | |
Stylochaeton natalensis (Bushveld Arum) mfanamacetjane, umfana-kamacejane, | |
Roots & leaves for earache & chest complaints | |
Suregada africana (Common Canary-berry) manyokane, sitfubi, ummemezi, velabahleke, vulabahleke, | |
Medicinal | |
Sutera floribunda usikisiki lwehlathi, | |
Medicinal for chest colds & menstrual pains. | |
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