Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Gymnosporia senegalensis (Red Spike Thorn) sibhubhu, sihlangu (black), sihlangulesimhlophe, | |
Roots & bark - wide variety of ailments including mental illness. Leaves yield snakebite cure. Root chips in beer are an aphrodisiac. | |
Haemanthus albiflos (White Paintbrush) lichisa-mililo, liclshamlilo, | |
Chronic coughs. Also increases male sperm production. | |
Haemanthus humilis subsp. hirsutus (Rabbit's Ears) | |
Stomach complaints, wounds & asthma | |
Halleria lucida (Tree Fuschia) liminta, londomela, umbindza, umbinta, umbita, umhlahlakanya, umminta, | |
Medicinal for ear and skin complaints. | |
Haplocarpha scaposa (False Gerbera) | |
Medicinal crushed leaves for women during menstruation. | |
Harpephyllum caffrum (Wild Plum) umgonyogonyo, umgwenya, umgwenyobovu, | |
Bark for cosmetics, as blood purifer, for skin problems & chest ailments. Roots & bark for menstrual problems. | |
Harveya speciosa (Tall Ink Flower) umshelezana omhlophe, | |
Used for bruises, nasal problems & mental disturbances | |
Haworthia limifolia (Fairy Washboard) indvololwane, | |
Medicinal for stomach complaints. | |
Helichrysum acutatum (Sticky Everlasting) uzangume, | |
Medicinal. Emetic to stop pains in body | |
Helichrysum aureonitens (Golden Everlasting) impepho-emhlophe, indondokazane, inkondiwane, | |
Medicinal | |
Helichrysum caespititium (Everlasting) | |
To treat colds & nausea. | |
Helichrysum kraussii (Straw Everlasting) isipheshane, isiqoqo, | |
Aromatic & pesticidal | |
Helichrysum mundtii (Everlasting) | |
Chest complaints | |
Helichrysum nudifolium (Hottentot's Tea) imphepho, ludvutfane, lulwini levenkhomo idunye, luphephetse, lute emanyava, sontfo lute emanyeva, | |
Poultice for chest, head, fevers & burns. Roots for otitis. | |
Helichrysum odoratissimum (Everlasting) imphepho, | |
Aromatic sedative for insomnia. Burnt as fumigant. Treats colds. | |
Helichrysum rugulosum (Everlasting Plant) impepho, imphepho, | |
Medicinal. Fumigate huts after illness | |
Helichrysum splendidum (Cape Gold) impepho, imphepho, umgobandvodza, | |
Medicinal for colds, rheumatism & anal prolapse. | |
Helichrysum stenopterum (Everlasting) impepho, imphepho, | |
Medicinal | |
Helinus integrifolius (Soap Creeper) ubhubhubhu, uphuphuphu, uxuphukwekwe, | |
Medicinal for hysteria & backache. | |
Hermannia depressa (Creeping Red Hermannia) itshesizwe, umphuphuthelo, | |
Roots for abdominal pain during pregnancy. | |
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