Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Gymnosporia senegalensis    (Red Spike Thorn)  sibhubhu,  sihlangu (black),  sihlangulesimhlophe,
     Roots & bark - wide variety of ailments including mental illness. Leaves yield snakebite cure. Root chips in beer are an aphrodisiac.
Haemanthus albiflos    (White Paintbrush)  lichisa-mililo,  liclshamlilo,
     Chronic coughs. Also increases male sperm production.
Haemanthus humilis subsp. hirsutus    (Rabbit's Ears)
     Stomach complaints, wounds & asthma
Halleria lucida    (Tree Fuschia)  liminta,  londomela,  umbindza,  umbinta,  umbita,  umhlahlakanya,  umminta,
     Medicinal for ear and skin complaints.
Haplocarpha scaposa    (False Gerbera)
     Medicinal crushed leaves for women during menstruation.
Harpephyllum caffrum    (Wild Plum)  umgonyogonyo,  umgwenya,  umgwenyobovu,
     Bark for cosmetics, as blood purifer, for skin problems & chest ailments. Roots & bark for menstrual problems.
Harveya speciosa    (Tall Ink Flower)  umshelezana omhlophe,
     Used for bruises, nasal problems & mental disturbances
Haworthia limifolia    (Fairy Washboard)  indvololwane,
     Medicinal for stomach complaints.
Helichrysum acutatum    (Sticky Everlasting)  uzangume,
     Medicinal. Emetic to stop pains in body
Helichrysum aureonitens    (Golden Everlasting)  impepho-emhlophe,  indondokazane,  inkondiwane,
Helichrysum caespititium    (Everlasting)
     To treat colds & nausea.
Helichrysum kraussii    (Straw Everlasting)  isipheshane,  isiqoqo,
     Aromatic & pesticidal
Helichrysum mundtii    (Everlasting)
     Chest complaints
Helichrysum nudifolium    (Hottentot's Tea)  imphepho,  ludvutfane,  lulwini levenkhomo idunye,  luphephetse,  lute emanyava,  sontfo lute emanyeva,
     Poultice for chest, head, fevers & burns. Roots for otitis.
Helichrysum odoratissimum    (Everlasting)  imphepho,
     Aromatic sedative for insomnia. Burnt as fumigant. Treats colds.
Helichrysum rugulosum    (Everlasting Plant)  impepho,  imphepho,
     Medicinal. Fumigate huts after illness
Helichrysum splendidum    (Cape Gold)  impepho,  imphepho,  umgobandvodza,
     Medicinal for colds, rheumatism & anal prolapse.
Helichrysum stenopterum    (Everlasting)  impepho,  imphepho,
Helinus integrifolius    (Soap Creeper)  ubhubhubhu,  uphuphuphu,  uxuphukwekwe,
     Medicinal for hysteria & backache.
Hermannia depressa    (Creeping Red Hermannia)  itshesizwe,  umphuphuthelo,
     Roots for abdominal pain during pregnancy.
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