Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Vernonia glabra    (Bitter Leaf)
     Medicinal for diabetes
Vernonia hirsuta    (Quilted-leaved Vernonia)  ijungitheka,  ikhambi lenyongo,  uhlunguhlungwana lwentaba,  umhlazawentaba,
     Medicinal for colic, sore throats, coughs, & headaches
Vernonia myriantha    (Poison Tree Vernonia)  lihwabahwaba,
     Medicinal for the mentally afflicted.
Vernonia natalensis    (Silver Vernonia)
     Powdered bark for coughs, malaria & fevers. Smoke for headaches.
Vernonia oligocephala    (Bicoloured-leaved Vernonia)  ihlambihloshane,  uhlunguhloshana,
     Leaves& twigs for diabetes, rheumatism & malaise
Vernonia poskeana subsp. botswanica    (Bitter Leaf)
Vernonia tigna    (Bitter Leaf)  lihlunguhlungu,  luhlunguhlungu,
     Mixtures for menstrual irregularities & as abortifacient. Anthelmintic. Leaves & roots treat athritis & to improve male erections.
Vigna unguiculata    (Cow Pea)  tindlubu,  tinhlumayo,
     Seeds for menstruation, epilepsy & chest pains
Vigna vexillata    (Wild Sweet Pea)  mgcenga,
Viscum rotundifolium    (Round-leaved Mistletoe)
     To remove warts
Viscum verrucosum    (Warty Mistletoe)  liphakama,
Vitex doniana    (Black Plum)
     Fruits for anaemia. Roots for gonorrhoea
Vitex rehmannii    (Pipe-stem Tree)  bufufu,  mbhindvongo,  tibhindvolo,
     Infusion of leaves as enemas for stomach ache. Also used for chest complaints and fits.
Warburgia salutaris    (Pepperbark Tree)  sibhaha,
     Bark for colds, chest complaints, malaria & as a tonic. Antibiotic.
Watsonia latifolia    (Bugle Lily)
     Bulb medicinal.
Watsonia meriana    (Bugle Lily)
Watsonia pulchra    (Natal Watsonia)
     Medicinal bulb for diarrhoea
Watsonia watsonioides    (Bugle Lily)
     Bulb medicinal.
Withania somnifera    (Indian Ginseng)  buvimbha,
     Roots for memory, infections, syphilis, & colds. Leaves for wounds.
Wrightia natalensis    (Saddle Pod)  umbengende,  umbengendze,
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