Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Acalypha capensis    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha caperonioides    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha depressinerva    (Brooms and Brushes)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha ecklonii    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha glabrata var. glabrata    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha glandulifolia    (Red Catkins)  ungibonisele,  usununundu,
     Medicinal for diarrhoea. Emetic to improve health.
Acalypha hochstetteriana    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha indica    (Forest False Nettle)
     Herb for diarrhoea, expectorant & diuretic
Acalypha ornata    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha peduncularis    (Brooms and Brushes)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha punctata    (Sticky Brooms and Brushes)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha sonderiana    (Thorny False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acalypha villicaulis    (Brooms & Brushes)  umphendulo,
     Medicinal for diarrhoea. Used for wounds.
Acalypha wilmsii    (Forest False Nettle)
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Acanthospermum glabratum *  
     Leaves, seeds & stem medicinal
Acanthospermum hispidum *    umgcabo,
Achyranthes aspera *   (Burrweed)  layobe,  lenamo,
     Chest pains & stomach ache
Acokanthera oppositifolia    (Bushman's Poison)  inhlanguyane,  inhlungunyemba,  luzekwa,  mutsimulisa,  sibhanku,  umhlakahliso,
     All parts of plant poisonous. Roots & bark with other ingredients used for arrow poison. But used for irregular menstruation & snakebite cure. With related species is a source of ouabain heart medicine. Doses carefully adapted to individula needs by heal
Adenia digitata    (Wild Granadilla)  liphobobo,
     Plant used to treat sores.
Adenia gummifera var. gummifera    (Snake Climber)  imfulo,  imphinda,  impinda,  phindumshaye,
     Trunk, roots and bark are medicinal as an emetic, for leprosy, for malaria, & for vomiting. Also a disinfectant.
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