Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Mikania natalensis    (Mikania)  ihlozi,  ikhambi-lesiduli,  umdlonzo,
     Medicinal for urinary complaints, headache, backache & colds.
Mimulus gracilis    (Wild Monkey Flowers)
     Irregular menstruation
Mimusops obovata    (Red Milkwood)  mphushane,  umphasikane,
     Bark used medicinally.
Mohria vestita    (Scented Fern)
     Used to rid children of worms. Mixed with fat an ointment for burns.
Momordica balsamina    (African Cucumber)  inkaka,  inkhakha,  inkhakhi,
     Fruit is purgative, emetic, antispasmodic & stomachic.
Momordica cardiospermoides    (Bitter Gourd)  inshubaba,  insubaba,
     Medicinal. Leaves used for treating diabetes.
Momordica foetida    (Bitter Gourd)  inshubaba,
     Medicinal for stomach, boils & high blood pressure.
Monadenium lugardiae     umdlebe,
     An abortifacient & for stomach & chest pains. Also poisonous.
Monanthotaxis caffra    (Dwaba Berry)  imxope,  libunza,  masweleti,  masweti,  sititane,  umtitane,  umxobhe,
     Roots for venereal disease and to prevent hysteria & deworming.
Mondia whitei    (White's Ginger)  umondi,
     Roots for stress, tension, indigestion & constipation. Aphrodisiac. Bark & leaves helps labout pains easy birth and healthy child.
Monopsis decipiens    (Butterfly Lobelia)  isidala somkhuhlane,
     Medicinal for colds, skin diseases & rheumatism
Moraea spathulata    (Large Yellow Moraea)
     Medicinal for infertility. Can be poisonous for stock
Moraea stricta    (Natal Lily)
     Can be poisonous for stock
Morella pilulifera    (Broad-leaved Waxberry)  maluleka,  melulefa,  meluleka,  umlulama ,
     Medicinal roots to maintain well-being and good health.
Morella serrata    (Lance-leaved Waxberry)  leti,  maluleka,  meluleka,  uleti,
     Roots & bark used as remedy for headaches.
Morus alba *   (White Mulberry)  emagumence,  liguncumence,
     Fruit, leaves & bark. Expectorant & for colds.
Mucuna coriacea    (Buffalo Bean)  umkhokha,
     An ingredient of some poisons in Haiti and West Africa.
Mundulea sericea    (Cork Bush)  umsindzandlovana,
     Bark as emetic. Used to treat human poisoning.
Myrothamnus flabellifolius    (Resurrection Plant)  vukakulabafile,  vukawemadvwala,
     Medicinal tea from the leaves for gingivititis. Roots strengthen other medicines.
Myrsine africana    (Cape Myrtle)  santinyana,
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