Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Xanthium spinosum *   (Spiny Cocklebur)  iligcume,
     Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock.
Xanthium strumarium *   (Large Cocklebur)
     Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock.
Xenostegia tridentata subsp. angustifolia    (Miniature Morning Glory)
     Stomach complanits
Xerophyta equisetoides var. equisetoides   
Xerophyta retinervis    (Monkey's Tail)  intatzwa,
     Roots for asthma
Ximenia americana    (Blue Sourplum)  ematfundvuluka,  sikholonjwane,  umkhorotjane,
     Bark for infant maladies. Leaves for coughs, fevers and wounds. Roots are used for snake bites.
Ximenia caffra    (Large Sourplum)  ematfundfuluka,  emathunduluka,  umftundvuluka,  umftunvuluka,  umthundulukwa,
     Leaves for inflamed eyes. Bark & roots for asthma, flu and other ailments. The whole plant is used to treat weight loss.
Xymalos monospora    (Lemonwood)  imphisimakhata,  umphisi-makhata,
     Medicinal for gastro-intestinal complaints.
Xysmalobium confusum    (Bitter Wood)  lichogina,
     For dogs that steal food
Xysmalobium orbiculare    (False Thick-fruit)  lichogina,
     For dogs that steal food
Xysmalobium undulatum    (Bitter Wood)  lishongwe,  umdzayi,
     Roots for indigestion, fever, colds, diarrhoea & urethral discharge.
Zantedeschia aethiopica    (White Arum Lily)
     Leaves for wounds, sores & boils
Zantedeschia albomaculata    (Arrow-leaved Arum Lily)
Zanthoxylum capense    (Small Knobwood)  umhlabanyoni,  umnongwane,  umnungu mabele,
     Fruit for colic, flatulence, internal parasites & palsy. Leaves for intestinal disorders and for colds and flu. Bark for toothache & snake bites either orally or applied. Roots treat bilharzia and toothache.
Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata    (Buffalo Thorn)  imphafa,  umlahlabantfu,  umlahlabantu,  umpatle,  umphafa,
     Leaf, roots & bark infusions for chest complaints, boils, wounds, pain relief, skin infections & syphilis.
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