Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Xanthium spinosum * (Spiny Cocklebur) iligcume, | |
Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock. | |
Xanthium strumarium * (Large Cocklebur) | |
Seeds, seedling leaves & young shoots are poisonous to stock. | |
Xenostegia tridentata subsp. angustifolia (Miniature Morning Glory) | |
Stomach complanits | |
Xerophyta equisetoides var. equisetoides | |
Medicinal | |
Xerophyta retinervis (Monkey's Tail) intatzwa, | |
Roots for asthma | |
Ximenia americana (Blue Sourplum) ematfundvuluka, sikholonjwane, umkhorotjane, | |
Bark for infant maladies. Leaves for coughs, fevers and wounds. Roots are used for snake bites. | |
Ximenia caffra (Large Sourplum) ematfundfuluka, emathunduluka, umftundvuluka, umftunvuluka, umthundulukwa, | |
Leaves for inflamed eyes. Bark & roots for asthma, flu and other ailments. The whole plant is used to treat weight loss. | |
Xymalos monospora (Lemonwood) imphisimakhata, umphisi-makhata, | |
Medicinal for gastro-intestinal complaints. | |
Xysmalobium confusum (Bitter Wood) lichogina, | |
For dogs that steal food | |
Xysmalobium orbiculare (False Thick-fruit) lichogina, | |
For dogs that steal food | |
Xysmalobium undulatum (Bitter Wood) lishongwe, umdzayi, | |
Roots for indigestion, fever, colds, diarrhoea & urethral discharge. | |
Zantedeschia aethiopica (White Arum Lily) | |
Leaves for wounds, sores & boils | |
Zantedeschia albomaculata (Arrow-leaved Arum Lily) | |
Poultice | |
Zanthoxylum capense (Small Knobwood) umhlabanyoni, umnongwane, umnungu mabele, | |
Fruit for colic, flatulence, internal parasites & palsy. Leaves for intestinal disorders and for colds and flu. Bark for toothache & snake bites either orally or applied. Roots treat bilharzia and toothache. | |
Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata (Buffalo Thorn) imphafa, umlahlabantfu, umlahlabantu, umpatle, umphafa, | |
Leaf, roots & bark infusions for chest complaints, boils, wounds, pain relief, skin infections & syphilis. | |
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