Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Antherotoma naudinii    (Black-faced Orchid)
     Roots are medicinal.
Anthocleista grandiflora    (Forest Fever Tree)  luvinga,  luvungu,  umhhobohhobo,  umhobohobo,  umkhobhohhobho,
     Leaves or bark for malaria. Bark relieves diarrhoea. Bark & roots treat stomach cramps.
Antidesma venosum    (Tasselberry Tree)  bhekindoda,  bhubhuludla,  emabhubhuludla,  hubulu,  imhlalanyoni,  imhlalanyoni,  inhlalahubulu,  umbhubhuludla,  umhlalamahubhulu,  umhlalanyoni,  umshongi,
     Root infusion used to bathe to relieve pain. Bark, leaves, fruit & roots used for stomach complaints. Roots used to treat barrenness.
Apodolirion buchananii    (Natal Crocus)  icukudwane,  indwa,
     Stomach complaints
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata    (White Pear)  umdzagane,  umdzakane,
     Root as enema for intestinal parasites. Leaf for ear inflammation.
Aptenia cordifolia    (Baby Sun Rose)  libohlololo,  umjuluka,
     Poultice, deodorant & anti-inflammatory. Bark gives body protection.
Araucaria heterophylla *   (Norfolk Pine)  bangcongcozi,
     Used medicinally by Traditional Healers.
Argemone mexicana forma mexicana *   (Yellow Mexican Poppy)  ugudluthukela,
     For wounds, warts, eczema, itch & skin disorders.
Argemone ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca *   (White Mexican Poppy)
     For wounds, warts, eczema, itch & skin disorders.
Aristea abyssinica    (Blue-eyed grass)
     Medicinal for sprains.
Aristea ecklonii    (Blue Stars)
     Medicinal for fevers, coughs, venereal disease.
Artemisia afra    (Wild Wormwood)  mhlonyane,  umhlonyane,
     Stems & leaves for digestive problems, diabetes, intestinal worms, colds, influenza, asthma, headache and recently possibly malaria.
Arundo donax *   (Giant Reed)
     Roots & rhizomes for stomach ache and a diuretic. Chinese medicine.
Asclepias albens    (Cartwheels)  umdzayi,
     Roots for bilharzia, pimples, headches and healing wounds.
Asclepias aurea    (Golden Star Drops)
Asclepias crispa var. plana    (Bitter Root)
     Roots as diuretic & purgative
Asclepias dregeana    (Button Heads)  inkhokhabovu,  lichogina,
     For dogs that steal food
Asclepias gibba var. gibba    (Humped Turret Flower)
     Medicinal for snakebite.
Asparagus asparagoides    (Cape Smilax)  ibutha,  inkunzimbili,
     Medicinal for sore eyes
Asparagus cooperi    (Wild Asparagus)  lubane,
     Kidney & stomach complaints & infections
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