Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Parinari capensis subsp. incohata    (Mobola Plum)
     Bark for pneumonia & roots for toothache
Passerina filiformis subsp. filiformis    (Brown Gonna)  unwele oluncane,
     Early white settlers soaked leaves & used to bandage wounds.
Pastinaca sativa *   (Parsnip)
     Root & fruit are diuretic & carminative.
Pavetta barbertonensis    (Barbeton Bride's Bush)
Pavetta cooperi    (Christmas Bush)
Pavetta edentula    (Large-leaved Bride's Bush)  samunyane,  sawoti,  simunyane,  umgcobagcobane,  umgcobagcobane,  umkhwevane,  umkwevane,
     Stewed leaves used for flu prevention.
Pavetta gracilifolia    (Small Bride's Bush)
Pavetta schumanniana    (Poison Bride's Bush)  sawoti,
     Poisonous leaves but roots used for colds.
Peddiea africana    (Green Flower Tree)  intfocwane,
     Used in traditional medicine but is also poisonous.
Pelargonium alchemilloides    (Pink Trailing Pelargonium)  inkubele,  ishwaqa,  umangqengqe,
     Medicinal for fever, diarrhoea & wounds.
Pelargonium luridum    (Stalk-flowered Pelargonium)  lishaca,  lishaga,  vendle,
     Tubers for diarrhooea, dysentary & nausea. Threatened abortion.
Pellaea calomelanos var. calomelanos    (Hard Fern)  umphasatje,
     Wide medicinal use. Rhizome decoction used for sores & boils.
Peltophorum africanum    (African Wattle)  isikhabakhombe,  lisikhabakhombe,  mahabiya,  mashubane,  mphunganko,  mphungankomo,  umkhabamkhombe,
     Bark chewed to relieve colic and stomach disorders. Roots used for gastroenteritis.
Pennisetum thunbergii    (Pearl Millet)  bhabhala,
Pentanisia angustifolia    (Broad-leaved Pentanisia)
     Medicinal bulb for stomach pains & haemorrhoids
Pentanisia prunelloides    (Wild Verbena)  licishamulo,
     Roots for menstrual cramps, fevers, heartburn & venereal diseases.
Pergularia daemia var. daemia    (Trellis Vine)  umdzandzabuka,
     Roots for arthritis, asthma & venereal disease. Blood pressure.
Persea americana *   (Avocado)  likotapeni,  umkotapeni,
     Used to treat abdominal pain.
Persicaria lapathifolia *   (Spotted Knotweed)  lidvololenkhonyane,
     Medicinal for venereal disease
Peucedanum caffrum    (Wild Parsley)  isingcina,  nhlashane,
     Medicinal for darrhoea.
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