Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Dicerocaryum zanguebarium subsp. zanguebarium | |
Medicinal in Zimbabwe for measles. | |
Dichrostachys cinerea (Sickle Bush) mzilazembe, umtsetane, umzilazemba, | |
Roots for local anaesthesia and snakebite antidote. Many traditional medicinal uses, maybe antibiotic & pain relieving. | |
Dicliptera divaricata (False Buckwheat) | |
Medicinal for sore eyes. | |
Dicoma anomala imbenukela, inkosiyewithi, inyongana, mahlabane, mangwe amancane, | |
Roots for fever, sore throats, diarhoea, dysentary & abdominal pains. | |
Dicoma tomentosa (Doll's Protea) somaheva, | |
Medicinal | |
Dierama igneum (Fairy Bell) | |
Medicinal enema. | |
Dimorphotheca jucunda (Trailing Mauve Daisy) umasigcolo-nkonekazi, | |
Leaf & root remedies for stomach. | |
Dioscorea cotinifolia (Wild Yam) ingwevu, lunyawo lwendlovu, sikhundla, umkhankha, umkhanya, | |
Bark is medicinal. Related to sources of fertility "pill". | |
Dioscorea dregeana (Wild Yam) ndiyaza, | |
Rhizomes are a sedative for hysteria & epilepsy. Poisonous. | |
Dioscorea sylvatica (Elephant's Foot) ingwevu, intsani, lunyawolwendlovu, sikhundla, | |
Roots as blood purifiers & for chest conditions. Used in preparation of Cortisone. | |
Diospyros galpinii (Dwarf Hairy Jackalberry) indodemnyama, siphiphabantfwana, umchafutane, | |
To determine male sex in pregnancy. Roots medicinal. | |
Diospyros mespiliformis (Jackal Berry) umtfoma, umtoma, | |
Leaves & bark for ringworm, leprosy, fevers, dysentery. Antiseptic? | |
Diospyros whyteana (Bladder Nut) santinyana, silevusembuti, | |
Bark for impotence & infertility. Leafs for rashes.Roots for wounds. | |
Dipcadi marlothii (Wild Onion) | |
Medicinal for diseases of sexual organs | |
Disa aconitoides subsp. aconitoides ihlamvu, umashushu, | |
Roots to promote fertility in women | |
Disa polygonoides (Honey Disa) | |
Tubers to restore voice after Illness | |
Dissotis canescens (Ordeal Bean) dinganezwe, dzinganezwe, erkhambi lemfula, likhambi lemfula, sichobochobo, | |
Medicinal. Roots for dysentary, hangovers & heartburn. | |
Dissotis princeps (Royal Dissotis) sichobochobo, umpongamponga, | |
Roots are medicinal for dysentary. | |
Dodonaea viscosa (Common Sand Olive) iheji, liheji, | |
Root infusion for common cold. Leaf decoction for rheumatism. | |
Dombeya pulchra (Silver Dombeya) libuka, libundza, | |
Leaves & stem for glaucoma. Roots for sexual immaturity. | |
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