Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Dicerocaryum zanguebarium subsp. zanguebarium   
     Medicinal in Zimbabwe for measles.
Dichrostachys cinerea    (Sickle Bush)  mzilazembe,  umtsetane,  umzilazemba,
     Roots for local anaesthesia and snakebite antidote. Many traditional medicinal uses, maybe antibiotic & pain relieving.
Dicliptera divaricata    (False Buckwheat)
     Medicinal for sore eyes.
Dicoma anomala     imbenukela,  inkosiyewithi,  inyongana,  mahlabane,  mangwe amancane,
     Roots for fever, sore throats, diarhoea, dysentary & abdominal pains.
Dicoma tomentosa    (Doll's Protea)  somaheva,
Dierama igneum    (Fairy Bell)
     Medicinal enema.
Dimorphotheca jucunda    (Trailing Mauve Daisy)  umasigcolo-nkonekazi,
     Leaf & root remedies for stomach.
Dioscorea cotinifolia    (Wild Yam)  ingwevu,  lunyawo lwendlovu,  sikhundla,  umkhankha,  umkhanya,
     Bark is medicinal. Related to sources of fertility "pill".
Dioscorea dregeana    (Wild Yam)  ndiyaza,
     Rhizomes are a sedative for hysteria & epilepsy. Poisonous.
Dioscorea sylvatica    (Elephant's Foot)  ingwevu,  intsani,  lunyawolwendlovu,  sikhundla,
     Roots as blood purifiers & for chest conditions. Used in preparation of Cortisone.
Diospyros galpinii    (Dwarf Hairy Jackalberry)  indodemnyama,  siphiphabantfwana,  umchafutane,
     To determine male sex in pregnancy. Roots medicinal.
Diospyros mespiliformis    (Jackal Berry)  umtfoma,  umtoma,
     Leaves & bark for ringworm, leprosy, fevers, dysentery. Antiseptic?
Diospyros whyteana    (Bladder Nut)  santinyana,  silevusembuti,
     Bark for impotence & infertility. Leafs for rashes.Roots for wounds.
Dipcadi marlothii    (Wild Onion)
     Medicinal for diseases of sexual organs
Disa aconitoides subsp. aconitoides     ihlamvu,  umashushu,
     Roots to promote fertility in women
Disa polygonoides    (Honey Disa)
     Tubers to restore voice after Illness
Dissotis canescens    (Ordeal Bean)  dinganezwe,  dzinganezwe,  erkhambi lemfula,  likhambi lemfula,  sichobochobo,
     Medicinal. Roots for dysentary, hangovers & heartburn.
Dissotis princeps    (Royal Dissotis)  sichobochobo,  umpongamponga,
     Roots are medicinal for dysentary.
Dodonaea viscosa    (Common Sand Olive)  iheji,  liheji,
     Root infusion for common cold. Leaf decoction for rheumatism.
Dombeya pulchra    (Silver Dombeya)  libuka,  libundza,
     Leaves & stem for glaucoma. Roots for sexual immaturity.
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