Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Evolvulus alsinoides (Blue Haze) | |
Medicinal | |
Faurea rochetiana (Broadleaved Beechwood) | |
Root extract used for diarrhoea, ear infections & deworming. | |
Faurea saligna (African Red Beech) | |
Used medicinally. Roots used for deworming. | |
Felicia muricata subsp. muricata (White Felicia) | |
Medicinal for headaches. | |
Ficus abutilifolia (Large-leaved Rock Fig) | |
Leaves in traditional medicine | |
Ficus bubu (Swazi Fig) ubtfombi, | |
Bark an emetic | |
Ficus burkei (Common Wild Fig) | |
Roots used as post-natal supplement. | |
Ficus glumosa (Mountain Rock Fig) inkhokho lemhlophe, lemhlophe kokhokho, maginyela, magnyea, | |
Bark for general malaise and diarrhoea. | |
Ficus ingens var. ingens (Redleaved Rock Fig) inkhiwane, | |
Latex is a disinfectant and substitutes for iodine. Bark for diarrhoea. | |
Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis (Natal Fig) | |
Traditional medicine for gynaecological complaints during pregnancy. | |
Ficus petersii (Common Wild Fig) umbombe, umtfombe, | |
Used in traditional medicine. Roots used as post-natal supplement. | |
Ficus sansibarica (Zanzibar Fig) | |
Bark is emetic. | |
Ficus sur (Cape Fig) emakhiwa, makhiwa, mkhiwa, umnungwane, | |
Root & bark infusions for many ailments. Latex used for burns & septic conjunctivitis | |
Ficus sycomorus (Sycamore Fig) umkhiwabovane, umkhiwubovana, | |
Bark & latex for chest, glandular complaints, diarrhoea & inflamed throats. | |
Flacourtia indica (Madagascar Plum) umbadlanga, umtabhala, | |
Bark & roots for sore throats & rheumatism. Leaf tonic for asthma. | |
Flemingia grahamiana (Stain Pod) indzabula luvalo, indzabulaluvalo, | |
Roots are used for male impotence & fever reduction. | |
Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa (White-berry Bush) bhubhubhu, mahlanganisa, umhlangamisa, | |
Root for malaria. Bark for diarrhoea & pneumonia | |
Fragaria vesca * (Alpine Strawberry) | |
Fruit is astringent and anti-diarrhoeal | |
Galium capense subsp. garipense (Bedstraw) intila lubombo, | |
Medicinal | |
Garcinia livingstonei (African Mangosteen) isinpula, isinyula, lisimpula, senyula, sinyula, | |
Leaves and flowers show antibiotic properties. Powdered root an aphrodisiac. | |
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