Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Evolvulus alsinoides    (Blue Haze)
Faurea rochetiana    (Broadleaved Beechwood)
     Root extract used for diarrhoea, ear infections & deworming.
Faurea saligna    (African Red Beech)
     Used medicinally. Roots used for deworming.
Felicia muricata subsp. muricata    (White Felicia)
     Medicinal for headaches.
Ficus abutilifolia    (Large-leaved Rock Fig)
     Leaves in traditional medicine
Ficus bubu    (Swazi Fig)  ubtfombi,
     Bark an emetic
Ficus burkei    (Common Wild Fig)
     Roots used as post-natal supplement.
Ficus glumosa    (Mountain Rock Fig)  inkhokho lemhlophe,  lemhlophe kokhokho,  maginyela,  magnyea,
     Bark for general malaise and diarrhoea.
Ficus ingens var. ingens    (Redleaved Rock Fig)  inkhiwane,
     Latex is a disinfectant and substitutes for iodine. Bark for diarrhoea.
Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis    (Natal Fig)
     Traditional medicine for gynaecological complaints during pregnancy.
Ficus petersii    (Common Wild Fig)  umbombe,  umtfombe,
     Used in traditional medicine. Roots used as post-natal supplement.
Ficus sansibarica    (Zanzibar Fig)
     Bark is emetic.
Ficus sur    (Cape Fig)  emakhiwa,  makhiwa,  mkhiwa,  umnungwane,
     Root & bark infusions for many ailments. Latex used for burns & septic conjunctivitis
Ficus sycomorus    (Sycamore Fig)  umkhiwabovane,  umkhiwubovana,
     Bark & latex for chest, glandular complaints, diarrhoea & inflamed throats.
Flacourtia indica    (Madagascar Plum)  umbadlanga,  umtabhala,
     Bark & roots for sore throats & rheumatism. Leaf tonic for asthma.
Flemingia grahamiana    (Stain Pod)  indzabula luvalo,  indzabulaluvalo,
     Roots are used for male impotence & fever reduction.
Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa    (White-berry Bush)  bhubhubhu,  mahlanganisa,  umhlangamisa,
     Root for malaria. Bark for diarrhoea & pneumonia
Fragaria vesca *   (Alpine Strawberry)
     Fruit is astringent and anti-diarrhoeal
Galium capense subsp. garipense    (Bedstraw)  intila lubombo,
Garcinia livingstonei    (African Mangosteen)  isinpula,  isinyula,  lisimpula,  senyula,  sinyula,
     Leaves and flowers show antibiotic properties. Powdered root an aphrodisiac.
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