Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Berkheya echinacea subsp. echinacea     iphungula,
Berkheya montana   
     Medicinal for bruises
Berkheya rhapontica   
     Medicinal for dry coughs.
Berkheya setifera    (Buffalo-tongue Berkheya)  lulwimi lwenkhomo,  mavambuka,  ulimi-lwenkomo,
     Roots for stomach complaints
Berkheya speciosa subsp. lanceolata   
     Abdominal disorders, bilharzia & sore eyes
Berkheya zeyheri   
     Bark medicinal for baby's navel, for diarrhoea & as a diuretic.
Bersama lucens    (Glossy White Ash)  sindiyandiya,
     Bark & roots relieve menstrual pain, nervous disorders & impotency.
Bersama swinnyi    (Coast Bersama)
     Bitter bark used in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments.
Bersama tysoniana    (Common White Ash)
     Bitter bark in traditional medicine for impotency & menstrual pains.
Berula erecta    (Giant Water Parsnip)  ibophwani,
     Analgesic for toothache
Bidens pilosa *   (Black-Jack)  cadvolo,
     Medicinal for rheumatism, diarrhoea & ear ailments.
Bolusanthus speciosus    (Tree Wisteria)  umhhohlo,  umhohlo,
     Bark & roots medicinal for stomach & abdominal disorders.
Boophone disticha    (Bushman Poison Bulb)  incumbe,  siphahluka,
     Hallucinogen. Bulb as antiseptic & pain relief. Poisonous.
Boscia albitrunca    (Shepherd's Tree)  ingwavuma,  ingwavuma-lensikati,  ingwayuma,  umphitsi,
     Leaves & roots used as emetic & epilepsy remedy. Also for haemorrhoids. Bark for women vomiting.
Bowiea volubilis    (Climbing Potato)  gibizisila,
     Medicinal for sore eyes,skin complaints, dropsy, headaches, STDs
Brachycorythis ovata subsp. ovata   
     Medicinal for madness.
Brachylaena ilicifolia    (Small Bitter Leaf)  umphahla,
     Bitter leaves used for diabetes.
Breonadia salicina    (African Teak)  thlume,  umhlume,
     Bark for stomach problems and as children's tonic.
Bridelia cathartica    (Blue Sweetberry)  umnwangasi,
     Fruit medicinal.
Bridelia micrantha    (Velvet Sweetberry)  imphisimakhata,  mahlombe,  umhlalamagwababa,  umhlalamahubhulu,
     Bark for eyes & for asthma. Root for stomach pains Powdered root mixed with oil and fats can relieve headaches. Leaf sap for sore eyes.
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