Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Hermannia glanduligera   
Hermbstaedtia odorata var. odorata    (Wild Cockscomb)  ubuphuphu,  umlwandle,  uvelabahleke,
     Cleansing stomach
Heteromorpha arborescens    (Parsley Tree)  imvusankunzi,  umbangandlala,  umjumbula,  umvusankunzi,
     Infusion of leaves as enema for abdominal conditions& intestinal worms. Used for mental conditions. Smoke will relieve headaches. Roots used to help weight gain in children.
Heteropyxis natalensis    (Weeping Lavender Tree)  incundze,  incuze,  inkunzi,  uhuzu,  umvanga,  umvanya,
     Leaves are aromatic used for nose bleed. Bark as medicine mixer and to treat wounds.
Hibiscus aethiopicus    (Dwarf Wild Hibiscus)  ibunda elimpofu,  ihlalanyosi elimhlophe,  uvemvane,
     Swolen joints, sprains & colic
Hibiscus pedunculatus    (Forest Pink Hibiscus)
     Medicinal for urinary complaints
Hibiscus surattensis    (Prickly Wild Hibiscus)  isigezo,  ucathucathu,  uvemvane,
     Treats penile inflammation and venereal disease
Hibiscus trionum    (Bladder Hibiscus)  uvemvane olukhulu,
     Treat worms and internal parasites
Hippobromus pauciflorus    (Basterperdepis)  luphephetse,  lutwile,  siphahluka,
     Leaves for headaches and eyes, poisonous roots for dysentery.
Homalium dentatum    (Brown Ironwood)  lakalaka,  lilakalaka,  umhlolampunzi,
     Medicinal for stomach disorders.
Hoslundia opposita    (Orange Bird Berry)  emalilwane,  emayiwane,  umlilwane,
     Medicinal for stomach disorders.
Huernia hystrix var. hystrix    (Toad Plant)  lozililo,  nomaliliza,
     Stem is medicinal for sexual stimulation.
Huernia stapelioides    (Toad Plant)
Huernia zebrina    (Toad Plant)
Hydnora africana    (Warty Jackal Food)  mavumbuka,
     Medicinal for diarrhoea
Hydnora johannis var. johannis   
     Medicinal for diarrhoea. Roots for acne, genital warts & colic.
Hyperacanthus amoenus    (Spiny Gardenia)  bembetfy,  bhembetfu,  indzabulaluvalo,  ingulavuma,  ingwavuma,  luphembetu,  mvalasangweni,  ngcotfo,  umvalasangweni,
     Fruit & roots are emetic
Hypericum aethiopicum    (Small Hypericum)  nsukumbili,  unsukumbili,
     Backache, kidney infections, sores & venereal diseases.
Hypericum perforatum *   (St. John's Wort)
     Widely used for 2000 years for depression, anxiety & insomnia.
Hypericum revolutum    (Curry Bush)
     Medicinal. Strong curry smell.
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