Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Asparagus falcatus (Yellowwood Asparagus) imbelekazana, | |
Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic | |
Asparagus macowanii (Zulu Asparagus) silevu sembuti, | |
Medicinal. | |
Asparagus racemosus (Wild Asparagus) | |
Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic | |
Asparagus ramosissimus (Cascade Asparagus) ibutha, | |
Treatment of colic | |
Asparagus setaceus (Wild Asparagus) mahlabane, silevu sembuti, umutsi wekubeleka, | |
Roots used for hypotonic labour. | |
Asparagus suaveolens (Bushveld Asparagus) | |
Roots used medicinally | |
Asparagus virgatus (Broom Asparagus) umshanveto, | |
Syphilis & intestinal worms | |
Aspilia natalensis (Wild Creeping Sunflower) umphamephuce, | |
Medicinal with potent antibiotic, fungicidal & vermicidal properties | |
Aster bakerianus (Michaelmas Daisy) dlutshana, ndlutjana, | |
Roots for headaches, & eye infections. An emetic & purgative. | |
Aster harveyanus (Michaelmas Daisy) | |
Medicinal | |
Athrixia phylicoides (Zulu Tea) sephomolo, | |
Used to treat coughs, sores & boils. | |
Azima tetracantha (Needle Bush) ligumkelii, sikhumekele, umvusankunzi, | |
Sap is disinfectant for toothache. Leaves & roots snake bite antidote and for totthache. | |
Baccharoides adoensis var. kotschyana imphepho, lincani, linyatsela, linyatselo, mphepho, | |
For stomach, chest, skin, head lice & diabetes. Roots are purgative. | |
Balanites maughamii subsp. maughamii (Torchwood) liphambo, umnulu, umnunu, umnununu, | |
Bark, fruit, roots for emetics & bilharzia. Fruits dropped in water lethal for bilharzia flukes and snails. | |
Balanites pedicellaris subsp. pedicellaris (Small Torchwood) liphambo, umnunu, | |
Medicinal | |
Bauhinia galpinii (Pride-Of-The-Kaap) | |
Medicinal. Roots are anthelmintic. | |
Becium obovatum (Cat's Whiskers) idada, iziba, ufukuzela, umathanjane, | |
Stomach complaints & hair restorer | |
Begonia sutherlandii subsp. sutherlandii (Wild Orange Begonia) uqamamawene, | |
Treatment of heartburn | |
Berchemia discolor (Bird Plum) uvuka, | |
Bark has medicinal properties. | |
Berchemia zeyheri (Red Ivory) sineyi, tineyi, umneyi, | |
Medicinal for baby's navel & for anaemia. Bark for back pains. | |
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