Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Asparagus falcatus    (Yellowwood Asparagus)  imbelekazana,
     Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic
Asparagus macowanii    (Zulu Asparagus)  silevu sembuti,
Asparagus racemosus    (Wild Asparagus)
     Root is antibiotic, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic & antispasmodic
Asparagus ramosissimus    (Cascade Asparagus)  ibutha,
     Treatment of colic
Asparagus setaceus    (Wild Asparagus)  mahlabane,  silevu sembuti,  umutsi wekubeleka,
     Roots used for hypotonic labour.
Asparagus suaveolens    (Bushveld Asparagus)
     Roots used medicinally
Asparagus virgatus    (Broom Asparagus)  umshanveto,
     Syphilis & intestinal worms
Aspilia natalensis    (Wild Creeping Sunflower)  umphamephuce,
     Medicinal with potent antibiotic, fungicidal & vermicidal properties
Aster bakerianus    (Michaelmas Daisy)  dlutshana,  ndlutjana,
     Roots for headaches, & eye infections. An emetic & purgative.
Aster harveyanus    (Michaelmas Daisy)
Athrixia phylicoides    (Zulu Tea)  sephomolo,
     Used to treat coughs, sores & boils.
Azima tetracantha    (Needle Bush)  ligumkelii,  sikhumekele,  umvusankunzi,
     Sap is disinfectant for toothache. Leaves & roots snake bite antidote and for totthache.
Baccharoides adoensis var. kotschyana     imphepho,  lincani,  linyatsela,  linyatselo,  mphepho,
     For stomach, chest, skin, head lice & diabetes. Roots are purgative.
Balanites maughamii subsp. maughamii    (Torchwood)  liphambo,  umnulu,  umnunu,  umnununu,
     Bark, fruit, roots for emetics & bilharzia. Fruits dropped in water lethal for bilharzia flukes and snails.
Balanites pedicellaris subsp. pedicellaris    (Small Torchwood)  liphambo,  umnunu,
Bauhinia galpinii    (Pride-Of-The-Kaap)
     Medicinal. Roots are anthelmintic.
Becium obovatum    (Cat's Whiskers)  idada,  iziba,  ufukuzela,  umathanjane,
     Stomach complaints & hair restorer
Begonia sutherlandii subsp. sutherlandii    (Wild Orange Begonia)  uqamamawene,
     Treatment of heartburn
Berchemia discolor    (Bird Plum)  uvuka,
     Bark has medicinal properties.
Berchemia zeyheri    (Red Ivory)  sineyi,  tineyi,  umneyi,
     Medicinal for baby's navel & for anaemia. Bark for back pains.
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