Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Protea roupelliae    (Silver Sugarbush)  sicalaba lesimnyama,  sicalabane,
     Bark to facilitate conception & to treat urethral discharge.
Protorhus longifolia    (Red Beech )  imfuce,  ndiyaza,  umhlangothi,  umhlangoti,  umkhamamasi,
     Bark gum as a depilatory. Bark for chest pains.
Prunus africana    (Red Stinkwood)  umdumezulu,
     Bark extensively used for prostatic hypertrophy
Prunus persica *   (Peach)  limpentjisi,  umpentjisi,  umpentjizsi,
     Bark and/or leaves for stomach aches & strengthen veins & nerves.
Pseudarthria hookeri    (Velvet Bean)  uphandosi,  uqhonqo,  uqwashu,
     Roots used to treat epilepsy.
Psidium guajava *   (Common Guava)  emagwava,  ligwava,  mguwa,  mkguwa,  mkhiwa,  ugwava,  umgwava,
     Leaves for fever, coughs, boils, diabetes & menorrhagia. Stem and bark for stomach ache.
Psychotria capensis subsp. capensis var. capensis    (Black Bird-berry)  dzilidzili,  dzilidzili lomhlophe,  udzilidzili omhlophe,
     Leaves contain tryptamines that induce hallucinations. Bark is an anthelmintic. Used for gastric complaints.
Ptaeroxylon obliquum    (Sneezewood)  umtsatse,  umtsatsi,
     Snuff for headaches. Resin for warts
Pteleopsis myrtifolia    (Myrtle Bushwillow)  umwandla,
Pteridium aquilinum    (Bracken Fern)  luhlindzafuku,
     Roots make teas for rickets, stomach cramps, diarrhea, worms & male sexual impotence..
Pterocarpus angolensis    (Wild Teak/Kiaat)  umvangati,  umvangatsi,  umvangazi,
     Bark/root infusions for stomach, malaria, blackwater, bilharziasis. Red sap for nose bleeds=sympathetic magic. Many medicinal uses.
Pterocarpus rotundifolius    (Round-leaved Kiaat)  indiebezindlovu,  lidlebe-lendlovu,  lidlebindlovu,  sivangatane,
     Bark & root are medicinal. Bark for respiratory problems & vomiting.
Pterocelastrus echinatus    (White Candlewood)  incocodzi,  lishasha,
     Heavily used medicinally in Transkei. Roots &bark are analgesic.
Pterocelastrus rostratus    (Red Candlewood)
     Medicinal bark used with other substances for spinal problems.
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus    (Candlewood)
     Bark used medicinally.
Pupalia lappacea var. lappacea *   (Forest Burr)  isinama esibomvu,
     Medicinal for fevers.
Putterlickia verrucosa    (False Forest Spike-thorn)  mhlatjwa,
     Medicinal plant
Pycnostachys reticulata    (Slender Pycnostachys)  mvuthuka,  umvuthuza,
     Used as mouthwash. Helps stop body lice in humans.
Pycreus nitidus     ikhwane,  intsekane,
     Medicinal for chest colds.
Pyrenacantha grandiflora    (Firethorn)  sehlulamanya,  velabahleke,
     Emetic for luck. Medicinal for herpes
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