Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Combretum paniculatum    (Flame Combretum)
     Root used medicinally.
Combretum zeyheri    (Large-fruited Bush Willow)  imbondvo lemhlophe,  immbondvo lemhlophe,
     Roots for nose bleeds & with fat make an ointment.
Commelina africana    (Yellow Commelina)  lidzangamane,
     Root for menstrual cramps, venereal diseases & other ailments.
Commelina benghalensis    (Wandering Jew)  idambiso,  idangabane,  idemadema,  idlebendlele,
     Infertility, burns, sore throats, dysentary, leprosy
Commiphora africana    (Poison-grub Tree)  liminyela,
     Bark for snake bites. Fruit for stomach ailments. Resin for abdomen.
Commiphora harveyi    (Cork Tree)  umbangandlala,  umnumbi,
     Bark medicinal.
Convolvulus farinosus    (Bindweed)  umkhokha wehlathi,
     Purgative & emetic fot stomach ache.
Conyza canadensis *   (Canadian Fleabane)
     Herb. Astringent, diuretic, diarrhoea,colds.
Conyza scabrida   
     Early white settlers soaked leaves & used to bandage wounds.
Conyza ulmifolia     umacakaza,
     Medicinal for coughs.
Corchorus asplenifolius    (Jute)
     With other plants as an aphrodisiac and for impotence.
Cordia caffra    (Septee Tree)  umlovu,
Cordia monoica    (Cork Bush)  lilovu lelimnyama,  lilovu lelimyama,
Cordyla africana    (Wild Mango)  imbubuli,  thunzikhulu,  umbubuli,  vovovo,
     Bark used as an emetic
Cotyledon orbiculata    (Pig's Ears)  imphewula,
     Leaf poultice for sore throat, to expel worms, boils & abcesses.
Crabbea hirsuta    (Prickle Head)  ihlasi,  umusa,
Crassula acinaciformis    (Giant Crassuls)
Crassula alpestris subsp. massonii   
Crassula arborescens subsp. arborescens    (Bull Tacky)
Crassula compacta   
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