Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Aloe parvibracteata    (Aloes)  emahala,
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe rupestris    (Bottlebrush Aloe)  inkalane,
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe spicata    (Lebombo Aloe)
     Snuff & roots for toothache. Enema for babies.
Aloe suprafoliata    (Book Aloe)
     Snuff & roots for toothache
Aloe tenuior    (Fence Aloe)
     Medicinal for tapeworms.
Aloe zebrina    (Aloes)
Alysicarpus rugosus subsp. perennirufus    (Pioneer Fodder Plant)  imkonazana,  untshiphintshiphi,
     Chest complaints
Amaranthus caudatus *   (Pigweed)
     Leaves have abortifacient properties.
Amaranthus spinosus *   (Pigweed)  imboziso,  imbuyabatfwa,  isheke,  lesicadze,  lisheke,  sicadze lesumtfubi,
     Roots have antihelminthic properties. Leaves treat urethral discharge.
Amaranthus thunbergii    (Red Pigweed)  insheke,
     Leaves stimulate uterus contractions at childbirth.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia *   (Ragweed)
     Major cause of hayfever
Andrachne ovalis    (False Lightning Bush)  umbesa,  umbeza,
     Powdered roots used for chest complaints & headaches..
Androcymbium longipes    (Pyjama Flower)
Androcymbium melanthioides subsp. transvaalense    (Pyjama Flower)
Androcymbium striatum    (Pyjama Flower)
Androstachys johnsonii    (Lebombo Ironwood)  bukhukhu,  bukhunkhu,  umsibitsi,  umsimbitsi,
Aneilema dregeanum    (Blue Aneilma)
Annona senegalensis    (Wild Custard Apple)  ematelemba,  ematembe,  matelemba,  pofugwane,  umtelemba,  umtelembu,
     Roots are used medicinally as a cure for dizziness & as a cure for madness.. Bark for burns & wounds. Also emetic.
Ansellia africana    (Leopard Orchid)  imfe-yenkawu,  lesimthubi,  lesisikati,  liphakama,  sicadze lesisikati,  sicadze lesumtfubi,  sihlati,
     Roots are medicinal widely used for asthma.
Antherotoma debilis   
     Roots are medicinal.
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