Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Aloe parvibracteata (Aloes) emahala, | |
Snuff & roots for toothache | |
Aloe rupestris (Bottlebrush Aloe) inkalane, | |
Snuff & roots for toothache | |
Aloe spicata (Lebombo Aloe) | |
Snuff & roots for toothache. Enema for babies. | |
Aloe suprafoliata (Book Aloe) | |
Snuff & roots for toothache | |
Aloe tenuior (Fence Aloe) | |
Medicinal for tapeworms. | |
Aloe zebrina (Aloes) | |
Antibiotic | |
Alysicarpus rugosus subsp. perennirufus (Pioneer Fodder Plant) imkonazana, untshiphintshiphi, | |
Chest complaints | |
Amaranthus caudatus * (Pigweed) | |
Leaves have abortifacient properties. | |
Amaranthus spinosus * (Pigweed) imboziso, imbuyabatfwa, isheke, lesicadze, lisheke, sicadze lesumtfubi, | |
Roots have antihelminthic properties. Leaves treat urethral discharge. | |
Amaranthus thunbergii (Red Pigweed) insheke, | |
Leaves stimulate uterus contractions at childbirth. | |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia * (Ragweed) | |
Major cause of hayfever | |
Andrachne ovalis (False Lightning Bush) umbesa, umbeza, | |
Powdered roots used for chest complaints & headaches.. | |
Androcymbium longipes (Pyjama Flower) | |
Earache | |
Androcymbium melanthioides subsp. transvaalense (Pyjama Flower) | |
Earache | |
Androcymbium striatum (Pyjama Flower) | |
Earache | |
Androstachys johnsonii (Lebombo Ironwood) bukhukhu, bukhunkhu, umsibitsi, umsimbitsi, | |
Purgative | |
Aneilema dregeanum (Blue Aneilma) | |
Medicinal | |
Annona senegalensis (Wild Custard Apple) ematelemba, ematembe, matelemba, pofugwane, umtelemba, umtelembu, | |
Roots are used medicinally as a cure for dizziness & as a cure for madness.. Bark for burns & wounds. Also emetic. | |
Ansellia africana (Leopard Orchid) imfe-yenkawu, lesimthubi, lesisikati, liphakama, sicadze lesisikati, sicadze lesumtfubi, sihlati, | |
Roots are medicinal widely used for asthma. | |
Antherotoma debilis | |
Roots are medicinal. | |
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