Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Euphorbia ericoides   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia grandicornis    (Rhino Thorn)  sinhlonhlwane,
     Stomach medicine but also poisonous. Also used for cow parasites.
Euphorbia gueinzii   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia hirta *   (Red Milkweed)
     Medicinal for sore eyes. A garden weed.
Euphorbia hypericifolia   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia inaequilatera var. inaequilatera    (Smooth Creeping Milkweed)
     Stomach medicine. Problem weed in citrus orchards.
Euphorbia indica *  
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia ingens    (Common Tree Euphorbia)  inshumpha,  inshupa,  umkloklo,
     Stomach medicine, also poisonous. Honey made from it is harmful. Roots for toothache and decay. Toxic latex but used for cancer.
Euphorbia keithii    (Swazi Euphorbia)
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia knobelii   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia knuthii     sihlohlwana,  siklonklwana,
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia neopolycnemoides   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia prostrata *   (Hairy Creeping Milkweed)
     Stomach medicine. Problem weed in citrus orchards.
Euphorbia pulvinata    (Prickle-leaved Euphorbia)  sihlohlwana,
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia schinzii    (Schinz's Euphorbia)  sihlohlwana,
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia striata var. striata    (Milkweed)
     Medicinal for stomach disorders
Euphorbia tirucalli    (Rubber Euphorbia)  umdvute,  umnduze,
     Fruit for sexual impotence. (Can be poisonous, especially the latex). Roots are a cleanser.
Euphorbia transvaalensis   
     Stomach medicine.
Euphorbia triangularis    (River Euphorbia)
     Stomach medicine but also poisonous
Euphorbia zambesiana var. zambesiana   
     Stomach medicine.
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